

After growing up regularly visiting Utah and having lived in Logan for almost four years now, I can still only count on one hand the number of times that I have visited Provo, UT. (And two of those times were to recruit at Provo High for Utah State.) I have been brainwashed to believe by some irrational grandparents who will remain unnamed that there is something very wrong with every person who lives or chooses to receive their education south of the Point of the Mountain. So for fear of being disowned, I steer clear of Provo. But this weekend I braved it to visit some of my favorite people in the entire world who I lived with on the other side of the world.

A few pictures of our ultimate low points in China:
On their way to be paraded at the Children's Day Performance
24 hour, crammed, sleeper bus ride
T-shirt, skirt, and tennis shoes

Forced into the splits for a picture for a Chinese Kung Fu brochure (this didn't make the cut, are you surprised?!)
We lived in this sweaty, homeless-looking state for 6 months straight and we didn't even judge each other. Or at least not to my knowledge. Now that is true friendship. (Read more of our crazy adventures here)

Here's a picture of us two years later. Hey, at least we clean up well, right?!

Indulging in what I dreamed about and talked about way too frequently in China: Coldstone. I would even read the ice cream descriptions on Coldstone's website far too many times than I would like to admit.
P.S. These girls are living proof that you can be born and raised in Happy Valley, go to school in Happy Valley, and never even come close to it's stereotype. So good job guys.


Bountiful Baskets

Bountiful baskets is my favorite discovery. Look what I brought home in a laundry basket yesterday!

For only 15 bucks! Best deal ever. There are pickup locations throughout UT and AZ.

Try it here ------->   Bountiful Baskets


Blog stalker blogging

I have been blog stalking for 2 plus years now. I am probably the world's best/worst blog stalker ever, only possibly coming in second to my mother. But it's pretty close. I counted today and I am "anonymously following" 121 blogs. Yikes. But really, it's not even that big of a deal. I mean all 121 of my "stalkees" don't even blog everyday or even every week or every month! That's my justification.

You see, blog stalking is therapeutic to me. My blog stalking is equivalent to Spencer's TV watching or his staring-at-the-wall-in-his-nothing-box sessions. Hey, at least I'm going into a something box while blog stalking! This article (Why I can't stop reading Mormon housewife blogs) made me feel better. There are plenty of stalkers out there like me and some, not like me at all! The article even gives shout outs to my childhood friend's addictive and amazing blog (Stacie Lang) and my favorite imaginary friend's blog, TAMN. Read it. It is fascinating.

So now I am blogging so I can share my "talent" with others. When I find something "good", I will post a link to it. I will waste my own time to help readers save time wasting time. Are you following me? And I might do a little blogging myself.

You're welcome.