I thought it was going to be a lot worse moving across the country with a 2-week-old but it has gone as smoothly as possible so I'm very grateful for that! (Though I had a moment where I thought that this was absolutely insane when Kate lost her umbilical cord in a random hotel room in North Platte, Nebraska haha!). So far, this has been the easiest move and the easiest month postpartum so moral of the story: I wasn't being dramatic about our last two moves - they truly were traumatic and truly did suck and also, living with your parents for as long as possible after having a baby is an excellent idea :)
Also, shout out to Kate - she wins the best baby award! I think she would have started sleeping through the night at 3 days old if I didn't wake her up to eat, and she is now sleeping through the night most nights! I'm shocked and grateful, because David woke up 2-3 times in the night to eat until he turned one so I was expecting that again. God must have known that I would need a good sleeper to pull off a move two weeks after giving birth!
Now for a huuuuuuge photo dump:
Last goodbye girls night the night before I moved - I seriously love my Iowa friends soooo much and will miss them so much. They made Iowa great and were soooo helpful the week leading up to our move - we had so many meals brought to us and Jack and David had at least one play date a day.
Kate's 2 weeks stats for documentation:
Last family pic in Iowa. I'm so grateful that God sent us to Davenport three years ago - a place that I had never heard of before and a place that I had no desire to live ;) It has been such a happy three years!
We had the best chauffeur ;)
Nursing breaks at the gas station:
As David would say, "Hers is good at cross eyes!!" haha
We've mostly been hanging out with my parents in Utah so here are too many pictures of us hanging out in Utah ;)
I've got some good "helpers" :)
David found an old cassette tape player walkman and loves it :)
These boys sure love their sister
Jack and David have had a blast playing on the swings, hunting for snails, playing with the neighbor kids and their chickens, and going to the park with my mom.
Funny story - the neighbor kid's mom asked Jack if he helps make the beds at home and he said, "We don't make our beds, we buy them at the store." haha! I obviously have failed at teaching them how to work and to do chores!
My grandparents went to Logan and brought back my favorite Aggie ice cream! They are the best!
Spencer had to be in Arizona on the 15th for a physical for his new job but didn't start work until the 22nd so he flew up to Utah and stayed with us Tuesday-Sunday. We spent every day in Kaysville with his family and had such a good time. Jack and David looooove playing with their cousins!
They would always pass out on the way home from Kaysville! They played hard!
On Saturday, Spencer took the boys fishing with his dad and I went to my sister's lacross state championship game. They won!!!
Fishing wiped them out!
That view!!!
Kate was a trooper!
One month pic of Kate! In one month, she's been in 4 states and has lived in Utah longer than Iowa :)
My view every morning - this boy never stays in his bed at night! Good thing he's cute!
It snowed on the 15th and I wasn't even mad because I'm moving to AZ :) And look how gorgeous!
Holladay has the best view of Mount Olympus!
On Sunday we blessed Kate. We were so grateful for all of our family who was able to come and celebrate her with us :)