2. I finally started working last week at a child center at a health/fitness club. I think my official job description alternates between "getting paid to play with my baby (while I watch other children)" and "getting paid to torture, nap deprive, and give my baby separation anxiety (while I watch other children)". It just depends on the amount of time we've been there and the amount of hours past his nap time and the amount of babies he watches me hold and the amount of time I have to spend working outside of the "toddler zone".
3. I found a new running buddy!!! It is Spencer. This is a miracle to me because three years ago, he wouldn't even bike, let alone run, more than three miles with me in fear he would burn too many calories and lose the weight that he had worked so hard to gain for track. Life was pretty hard for him as a naturally skinny, collegiate track and field thrower. ;) Today, we ran 3 1/2 miles together (Jack came along in the jogging stroller) and we were able to have a conversation (almost) the whole time!
LOVE number three!