While we were there, my vintage brick flip phone of 3 1/2 years marinated in a puddle of water over night and died. I loved that sturdy phone and now I don't have a twinner phone with my grandparents anymore :( If only that phone had a GPS on it I would have definitely bought it again since I can drop it as many times as I want without worrying.
We also drove past Memphis and did nothing because it was pouring rain. We took a picture of Beale Street and called it good.
The highlight of the trip was most definitely driving past Jasper, Alabama where one of my most favorite fictional characters is from. (James "Sawyer" Ford from LOST) It was the most exciting 30 seconds of my life.
Also, Jack loves pumpkins and dates with Ruby.
I am craving carmel apples dipped in white chocolate and cinnamon sugar and I want to take a nap.
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