So what do I think of resolutions? Mostly, I think resolutions are just another manifestation of our desire to control our own lives--to help us think we're more powerful than we really are....
This past year taught me that there are only two great resolutions: 1. Acknowledge God, asking daily to feel the power of something greater than you. 2. Let EVERYTHING else go.
So last night when the clock ticked midnight and my whole house was sleeping, I peeked out the window to see a sparkling, gold firework explode in the air across the valley. I said my farewell to 2013 and surrendered myself to whatever 2014 has in store.
What else can you do?
My only other resolution along with hers, is to hold my balance and bladder, even when Spencer sets up the self timer on our camera and plows me over to get in the picture on time. I really don't think I should just "let go" of my bladder.
Happy New Year!
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