- Our townhouse. I didn't realize how depressing our apartment in Alabama really was until we got out of it! Our townhouse has three times more windows than our old apartment and the walls are white instead of dark tan and it just seems lighter and happier. We are two miles from Spencer's work, we have a basement to play in, we have bunnies to chase outside, and cute little boys to play with next door. Plus I don't have to haul both boys down a flight of stairs to get to my car! And it is the same price as our Alabama apartment. Tiny two bedroom, one bathroom townhouses in Iowa is where it's at. ;)
Chasing bunnies
- Our bike trail that is .2 miles from our house that goes all the way to the Mississippi River. If we go left on the trail, it leads to the park and if we go right on the trail, it leads to the library. It looks almost identical to our running trail in Birmingham, it's just a lot longer.
- The John Deere Pavilion. It's free and it's heaven for my tractor obsessed toddler! A few months ago, I was parking at construction sites to give Jack his tractor fix so this is just too perfect.
- The splash pad on the Mississippi. It's currently under two feet of water due to Monday's storm, but it was fun while it lasted!
Elizabeth caught guppies right off the sidewalk!

- The water ski show that is free every Wednesday and Sunday throughout the summer. Jack sat still for over an hour watching, his personal sitting-still record!
- The 60 degree morning weather and 70 and 80 degree afternoon weather. I better take note that I love the weather now because I'm going to hate it from about October to April ;)
This makes me want to come and visit so bad! I'm so glad there is so much to be happy about.