

Jack was awakened by David at 3:30 last night and he never fell back to sleep until his nap at noon. Therefore, Jack tore apart our family room by 6:30 am, he watched 4 hours of TV by 9 am, and by lunchtime, I threw in the towel and let him have Doritos for lunch.
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Instead of beating myself up or mourning that I may never not be tired again, I am trying to celebrate the small victories - like going to the park, letting Jack make "snow angels" in the sand, and letting Jack ride with the windows rolled down the whole way there and back.

I can't decided if I should celebrate or curl into the fetal position knowing that I still have the rest of the day to endure redeem myself.

David is so getting the boot to the basement tonight because a 6 month old and a 2 year old sharing a room really isn't working for us. How did the pioneers do it?!


  1. We were at my parents' this last weekend, and all four of us shared a room. We decided staying a second night was not worth it, and came home early. Holy NIGHTMARE.

    1. I'm glad you understand! Sorry it was a nightmare!!!

  2. Yet it seemed to me that the young mothers had easily as many concerns. They described to me the struggles of trying to raise children in an increasingly difficult world, of never having enough time or means or freedom to feel like a person of value because they were always stretched to the ragged edge of survival. And there were so few tangible evidences that what they were doing was really going to be successful. There was no one to give them a raise in pay; and beyond their husbands (who may or may not remember to do it), no one to compliment them on a job well done. And they were always tired! The one thing I remember so vividly with these young mothers was that they were always so tired.
    “One Thing Needful”: Becoming Women of Greater Faith in Christ

  3. I was tryin to share part of that, but my phone was being difficult. I just want to say, Amen sista friend. Amen.

    1. I keep reading and rereading it. It's been my saving grace lately.
