Jack had a blast at his party! We played with a parachute, hit a pinata, and ate pizza and pink donuts (his two absolute favorite foods - he doesn't like cake). Plus he was thrilled about my dollar store decorations and my lady bug, spider, and tractor non-theme that I had going on :)
My mom surprised him with his very own tractor/lawn mower and he obviously LOVED it. I think he thanked her about a million times. We took it out at the end of the party for everyone to try and he didn't get off that lawn mower until the lawn was covered in snow!
David loved watching Jack AND riding with him
The colder it got, the more serious David's face got :)
We took David in, but my mom and Jack kept going!
Later that night, we went out for Jack's birthday dinner at my favorite place - The Machine Shed. It was the best experience eating out with our kids yet! Jack was never content in a high chair as a baby so I was shocked when David played and ate and smiled in his high chair the entire time. Also, every restaurant should give out tractors to play with - The Machine Shed is definitely Jack's kind of restaurant! Now if only they served Little Caesars pizza...
They sang a birthday version of "The Farmer in the Dell" but Jack kept telling us that they sang "Ring Around the Rosies" to him.
Once the celebrations were all over, he kept saying, "Do again!? Do my party again!" I loved celebrating this cute boy of mine! I want to do it again, too!
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