Chicken Enchiladas
Chicken Salad
Thai Curry from Trader Joes!!! (My mom sent some home with us - she is the best)
Korean Pork Tacos
What I'm excited about:
After almost five years of marriage, Spencer is finally done with school! (He got his MBA and MSHA from UAB and this last year we still had to pay stupid tuition to UAB for his fellowship even though he wasn't taking any classes) He got a job here in Iowa and we are so excited!!!
What I'm reminiscing about:Spencer graduating had me reminiscing about the first semester that I started dating him back at Utah State. After finals week, he checked his final grades and sighed with relief when he saw that he got a couple Cs in his classes and that was almost a deal breaker for my OCD-straight-A-self! ;) Then when we were engaged, he was having a hard time finding a job (because of his track schedule and lack of experience) He applied and interviewed for a janitor job but he didn't get it and I seriously wondered how it was possible to mess up a janitor interview!?!! And then a few months later in another job interview he was asked to share about a mistake he made and how he fixed it - he told them that in middle school he shot his friend with a bow-and-arrow! (Spoiler alert: he didn't get that job either)
So this is my proud wife post because Spencer has come a long way from that C semester and from not being able to get a janitor job and from telling about all the stupid things he did in middle school in job interviews :) #itsagoodthinghedoesn'treadmyblog
What we've been up to:
We just got back from a crazy spontaneous family trip to New Orleans to visit James since he spontaneously up and moved there for the summer and ruined all of my mom's potential summer family vacation ideas :) It took some crazy logistical planning and coordination, but we were all able to meet in New Orleans for the weekend and it was so much fun! (New Orleans post coming later)
What I'm dreading:
The fact that we have an even longer car drives coming up this summer than the 14 hour drive to New Orleans. Utah is far away!!!
What I'm working on:
I got a job! I started working last month just once a week as a swim instructor at the YMCA because working my high school job for the rest of my life is THE DREAM!!! hahaha Actually, my goal is to go to Disney next year so I need to start saving. I think I am only earning about 5 Disney churros a week so I've got a long way to go! haha We are also enjoying the free Y membership.
What I'm loving:
Sleep. The less I get the more I love it and we are still catching up on sleep from the weekend. (We drove through the night on the way home). My bed feels like heaven.
What I'm watching/reading:Still watching Gilmore Girls. We're on the final season! (It's my least favorite season so far and Lorlei is being really dumb)
My friend let me borrow The Selection Series and I totally binge read them last week! The only way I can describe them in a nutshell would be a not-as-violent Hunger Games mixed with The Bachelor, so obviously... epic!
What I'm listening to:
I've been catching up on one of my favorite podcasts, Mormon Discussions. Bill Real discusses a lot of complex issues within the Mormon church and its history while still leading with faith and it has been very helpful and interesting to me.
What I'm wearing:
I wear these earrings basically every day and I love them! I have them in turquoise and coral but I want to get every color!
Also, I love these shoes that I got seven years ago while I was in China. They were about three dollars and are sooooo comfortable and I can't believe they haven't fallen apart yet!

What I'm doing this weekend:Relaxing and going to Jack's last soccer game.
What I'm looking forward to next month:
Arizona and Utah!!!!
What's up with you?!
Gilmore Girls!!!! I am obsessed!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for linking up with us! :)
Oh man I love Gilmore Girls! Also, your little intro on your sidebar cracks me up! "He doesn't read my blog. He doesn't either. Neither does he." Ha! And the face that your husband answered that interview question with the time he shot his friend with a bow and arrow...priceless!