It also happened to be the hottest weekend of the entire summer. 90 degrees and humidity made for a hot camping trip! While we were at Walmart grabbing supplies on our way out, Spencer found this battery operated fan and it saved my life!
Fun fact for the day: I cannot fall asleep at night unless a fan is blowing directly in my face, even in the winter. Our power went out about a month ago, and I didn't fall asleep until 2 am when the power turned back on and our fan was blowing in my face again.
David loved his first camping trip!
Jack loved spraying water on David. #brotherlylove
This was the first time David didn't sleep in a crib and it took a while for him to settle down :)
Waking up next to this sweet face is the best thing ever :) (Something that is not the best thing ever - waking up three times in the night to pee while camping)
We woke up bright and early, ate breakfast, went on a hike, and headed out by 9 am before the weather got too miserable. The hike (and weather!) reminded us a lot of Alabama.
Spencer somehow convinced me to "trim" David's hair on Sunday. He cut it way shorter than I expected and I sobbed just like David did!
I was really worried that his hair wouldn't grow back curly but it looks like it's going to, thank goodness!
In case you were worried, we are still making it to the zoo. Highlights - the monarch butterfly that came out of it's chrysalis while we were there, the new porcupine that Jack tried to take a picture of with me and David, and the big snake!
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