On Friday, we met our friends at storytime at the library in the small town right next to us. They read Halloween books and made spooky treats.
The librarian gave each family a book to keep. Jack chose this one. He really likes ghosts :)
We had chili and cornbread for dinner then headed to trunk-or-treat at our church. Spencer and I decided last minute to put on super suits from last year, which caused Jack to throw a tantrum about wearing his super suit too. Then we felt bad bringing David as a puppy with all of us dressed as Incredibles so we changed his costume too :)
This year:
Last year:
The next night (Halloween), we headed out for the night since nobody trick-or-treats by our town houses.
Our first stop was Chipotle for dinner ($3 entrees and free quacamole if you wore a costume) and we picked up a 50 cent corn dog at Sonic afterward for David since he refused to eat his rice because it had cilantro in it :)
That's one happy puppy!
We trick-or-treated at the cool spooky house that we always see on our way to church and we trick-or-treated at Jack's preschool teacher's house (she gave all her students her address to stop by - how cute is that?!) After that, we started going door-to-door. I think after trick-or-treating store to store at the mall, trick-or-treating booth to booth at the zoo, and trick-or-treating trunk to trunk at the church, Jack and David were thinking, "House to house - are you kidding me?!" We didn't even make it to one house before Jack was in tears complaining of the cold and sobbing his classic line, "I WANT IT TO BE SUMMER TIME!!!" And then ironically, "I don't want to trick-or-treat anymore, I just want an ice cream cone!!!" So that's exactly what we did :) Baskin Robbins for the win! (One dollar ice cream cones on Halloween!)
After we put the boys down, we watched Jurassic World and I FB and Instagram stalked everyone's cute costumes :)
And then daylight savings time kicked our trash on Sunday.
The end.
cute cute family!