
What we've been up to

I started feeling better this week so I decided to stop taking my nausea medication but I ended up throwing up all weekend :( 17 weeks and into my second trimester and still barfing strong!

Rewind to Halloween weekend. On Friday, we went to art class where they had adorable Halloween crafts set up.
(This picture is posted for me so that I can throw these away and not feel guilty :)
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Then we went to the zoo! Full disclosure: I am very sick of our zoo and am glad that it is closed for the season but Jack and David's love for the zoo is still going strong!
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On Friday night we went to our church's trunk or treat, and on Saturday, we hit up the Halloween parade. It was so warm outside that Jack and David didn't want to wear their costumes. (David hasn't had a haircut since July. Can you tell?! ;)
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He ate all of those suckers in one day and more. #parentsoftheyear
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On Sunday we carved pumpkins.
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On Halloween, Jack got to wear pajamas to school so he chose his Halloween jammies, of course!
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My in-laws sent us a Halloween package! Jack and David loved it.
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The scariest thing I did on Halloween was vote! haha
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Also, this really made me laugh. I really have to make an effort to not post political things on FB or get into FB political debates!!!
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We had a blast trick-or-treating. The weather was perfect and Jack and David scored lots of butterfingers for me :) I had a moment watching Jack and David trick-or-treat where I couldn't believe that I was actually "the parent" taking my kids trick-or-treating. Wasn't I just barely a kid going rollerblading door to door trick-or-treating?! Sometimes I just feel like I'm just pretending to be a grown up with kids because I don't have life figured out yet ;)

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Seriously, they couldn't have picked better costumes to fit their personalities.
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Jack loved trick-or-treating at his teacher's house!
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They were exhausted after walking to so many doors and Jack fell asleep with his new sun glasses that my mother-in-law sent him :)
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The weather this week has been perfect so we've been spending a lot of time outside before the weather gets too cold! We love living across the street from the bike trail! We've put in so many biking, walking, and running miles on our beautiful trail.
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They love to stop and throw rocks in the creek.
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The most dominant personality in the family award goes to David :) We sure love David boy.
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Spencer and I spent 3 1/2 hours one night this week putting together 20 crock pot freezer meals for $160! After spending waaaaaaay too much money on groceries and eating out in September and October thanks to me being pregnant and worthless in the kitchen, we decided to keep things simple and cheap in November! 
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This may sound hard to believe but Jack dressed himself the day I took this picture :)
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Today is daylight savings and it is the absolute worst.
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We intentionally kept Jack and David up late last night. At 8:45, David whined, "Mom! It's dark outside and it's night!" He is the hardest to put to bed at night, so I knew he was tired then :) But then he was ready to go at 5:20 am and both Jack and David were begging me to put them to bed at 6:45 tonight. I'm honestly just grateful we didn't have to wake up in the 4s this year. (knock on wood) It's a good thing they are cute! This is what they were playing today :)
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And HAPPY 24th to my brother, James!!!!
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