Less than two weeks ago, Spencer got a job in Arizona so we are moving in less than a month! The timing is less than ideal, seeing that I need to get this baby out of me before we move and also because my parents moved away from Arizona six months ago, but when my chest doesn't feel tight from stress and anxiety, I am excited! We will miss all of our Iowa friends and are so grateful for all of the memories we've made here, but we are excited for a new adventure. We just need to survive these next couple of crazy months! I swear I have PTSD from moving. It has to be a thing. Also, I got this text right after Spencer took the job. I guess there has been a lot on his mind ;)
I went to my OBGYN appointment on Monday, and of course, they won't induce me on Friday like we were planning. My mom is coming tonight and we are moving in three weeks, but my body isn't ready to go into labor and it is kind of stressful. This happened with David too, so I'm not super surprised but now I have to resort to all the natural/wives tale ways to get this baby out and that I don't have time to do because of the move!!! (I am justifying taking the time to blog right now because I'm bouncing on an exercise ball while typing #inserteyerollemoji) Also, yesterday, I did a whopping 20 squats and 20 lunges and instead of going into labor, I just can't walk today because my legs are so dang sore. Whaaaah!!!!! We had an ultrasound on Monday because my doctor was trying to find a medical reason to induce me (she didn't) and these are the pictures we got...
I learned at my appointment that I'm the worst parent in the world. Every time I look at these ultrasound pictures, I burst out laughing instead of feeling all of the lovey-dovey mommy feelings!!! In fact, I was laughing/crying so hard at my appointment today that the nurse was a little concerned for me and Spencer kept telling me to be quiet, which made me laugh/cry even harder. But seriously, WHAT THE HECK?!!! How is that the same baby? #butimsureifmybabylookslikeadeadmaniwillstillloveit #alloftheheartemojis ;)
My uncle posted this on facebook and I couldn't stop laughing!
And here is my Easter photo dump:
Spoiled with Easter packages from grandparents:
Ducklings at the John Deere Pavilion:
David was so excited that Jack let him wear Jack's favorite dinosaur t-shirt (that is even slightly too big for Jack). I tried to talk him out of wearing it, but I guess you choose your battles :)
A slightly less creepy (but still creepy) Easter bunny was there!
Dying Easter eggs
Play group Easter Egg hunt:
Easter morning:
Easter outfits from my parents!
More than 39 weeks!
Jack drew this picture of Jesus on the cross at church and I love it :)
I've been walking (and jogging again trying to get this baby out) on our bike trail every day and I cry every time I'm out there now. It's so beautiful and I'm going to miss it so much!
Also, I'm super bummed that the closest gym to us just barely got a new play place - Jack and David want to go every single day and we will only be able to take advantage of it for... hopefully never because I will go into labor right now ;)
Ok I feel so funny commenting. I promise I'm not a stalker- just love your blog. Anyway, I felt the same way when I was about to have Daisy. She wasn't coming. And everything I tried didn't put me into labor. But there was one thing a friend had suggested and I gave it a shot. At that point I was thinking "what the heck might as well try it I've tried everything else". And it worked. So here ya go just in case you want to try it. Go for an hour long walk and while you walk put one foot on the curb and the other foot in the gutter and it's the weirdest way to walk and made me kind of stupid (so I did it at night when no- one could see 😂) do this for an hour. Sounds so funny- but worked for me. Good luck with everything and the move too! How exciting for you guys!
ReplyDelete*made me feel kind of stupid- not actually made me stupid 😂😂 haha
DeleteThanks for the suggestion Kylee!!! I am willing to try anything! Haha
DeleteThere are 2 things that sent me into labor with Daniel. One is an herbal supplements that my chiropractor gave me (which BTW, maybe a pre-natal massage to help with all the stress would help send you into labor... Sounds like a good excuse to get a massage anyway) and the other is using my breast pump (15 minutes on, 45 minute break). It totally worked. I started that around noon, at 3 Andy came home, and at 5 we braved rush hour traffic and went to the hospital.
ReplyDeleteI'm going to get on this!!! What kind of herbal supplements were they?