This picture of David kills me - he looks too big and just like Spencer. My mom bought Jack and David army hats at the dollar store and they played "soldiers" all week :)
Grandma Wirthlin came and stayed for a night - I hope we didn't scare her with our craziness!
Jack and David watched Guardians of the Galaxy soooo many times with Isaac in the basement :) Kate watched it a few times too :)
I make the same face as David when I see fry sauce :)
On Saturday morning, Spencer flew back to Utah to come and get us! We went to the zoo on Saturday with his parents and brother's family and on Sunday we drove home to Arizona.
You would think the pictures below were from the zoo, but they were at a random petting zoo by a gas station somewhere between Utah and Arizona. We even got to feed the camel :)
We got to Arizona late Sunday night, and thankfully the next day was Memorial Day so Spencer didn't have to go to work and we were able to get some stuff done. We miraculously found the perfect little rental house for us - it's in a great location in Gilbert and in a cul-de-sac plus, we are right next door to a greenbelt and bike trail, and our next door neighbors have kids the exact same age as our kids. I think the most stressful part about moving wasn't the moving part or having the baby part, but finding somewhere to live. Because I was 38 weeks pregnant, going to look for a home in person was out of the question and most of the rentals posted were gone within 24 hours. I had a few friends in Arizona who were willing to go look at some homes for us and Facetime us and we miraculously secured our house on the Saturday night of Easter weekend. I truly feel like it was heaven sent. I guess I had to have a flea infested apartment, a smoke filled apartment, and then a bedbug infested apartment to realize how miraculous it was to find a clean home that we love without seeing it in person first :)
Our view from the kid's rooms makes me happy.
Another benefit of living next to a greenbelt is the sprinklers that come on every day at 3:45-4:30. I was surprised that Jack and David didn't even know what sprinklers were - it's rainy enough in Iowa that nobody has sprinklers there!
Our backyard needs some TLC, but Jack and David have loved just playing in our tiny pool and I have loved being able to just watch them from our air conditioned house :)
Jack and David started swim lessons and a little parks and rec soccer skills class the day after Memorial Day. David cried at swimming lessons for two days straight because he thought I was still going to be his swim teacher but thankfully, he was happy going by the end of the session. He is still working on not crying at soccer though.
My mom and Elizabeth and Isaac came to visit the Thursday after we got to Arizona, and then James and Maddie and Calvin drove from California to stay for the weekend. We are excited that we will have a lot more visitors here! That weekend, my amazing momma watched the grandkids while the siblings went to get bobas and went to Jesterz. We had a great time! (It took forever to convince Isaac to get into the picture - then he made an "I'm too cool for this face" that backfired on him ;)
Calvin KILLS me! I love that sweet boy!
Both cousins have a Wirthlin look - one just looks like James Wirthlin and the other looks like Annie Wirthlin, so obviously they look nothing alike ;)
I didn't get one picture of my mom while she was here! She was soooo helpful getting our house looking like a home and taking Jack and David on outings. She has been with me for 5 weeks out of the 7 weeks of Kate's life and it has felt like a breeze compared to postpartum with Jack and David. I think I will have 10 more kids if I can have that much help from my mom every time :)
I think it is time for the Kate photo dump:
Most people say that she looks like Jack but I think she looks more like David did.
We've also been loving the library here - the first time we went, they gave us a paper with items to find at the Riparian Preserve right next to the library. Jack whined and whined for me to take him on a hike there (in the middle of the day) and after the second day, I finally caved and took him. He lasted for all of 10 minutes in the heat but we found the Saguaro cactus, the prickly pear cactus, and the dino tracks on his paper before he gave up.
The next time we went to the library, there was a reptile show! I was surprised when the guy pulled out a tortoise and an alligator because I was just expecting a big snake, and I was even more surprised when he let the kids have at it after the show. We stayed for an hour after the show and were the last ones to leave! Jack was in HEAVEN! David liked it, but got bored after a while and started playing super heroes by himself while Jack was up close and personal with the alligator. Why play with an alligator when you could play super heroes instead?! haha
The tortoise was missing a leg and had a wheel instead!
Kate was not impressed ;)
Spencer and I are so happy to be in Arizona and still can't believe we are here! In December, we flew to Arizona on our way to meet Spencer's family in California and sadly thought we would never come to Gilbert again. My family had moved and every job lead for Spencer in Arizona wasn't working out. But six months later, here we are! God works in mysterious ways. I can't wait for another Arizona adventure! It's good to be back.
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