David started school this week! I'm not sure who was more excited for him to start school, him or me! haha He loves it and was so ready to start!
His preschool is close to the house I grew up in and when we were early one day (not sure how! haha) I drove them by my old house :)
They also started a little basketball skills class at the rec center.
This Friday, Jack had show and tell at school and was soooooo excited. He had been counting down the days for over a week and going back and forth on what to bring. He decided on fossilized dinosaur poop that he got from his friend from a birthday last year! hahaha I couldn't talk him out of it. #boymom
We went to see Guardians of the Galaxy at the dollar theater and Jack and David LOVED it. I'm not sure how an Alien superhero movie with a racoon and a root as characters got so popular. Actually I do. #chrispratt
Speaking of weird movie plots, I saw this movie description on Netflix and thought it would be perfect for the game "Balderdash!" haha
David has had this pink turtle since he was one. My mom bought it for him when we went to an aquarium and we could not for the life of us convince him to get a different colored turtle. He slept with the turtle for over a year and it has resurfaced when Kate was born. His turtle's name is "Sparkles" and he takes care of Sparkles like I take care of Kate. It goes with him on outings and sleeps with him most nights and I love this sweet little quirk about my hardcore superhero-loving boy :)
He's also been enjoying playing "family" with his neighbor friend while the big brothers are at school :)
One moment he's loving on Sparkles and playing "family" and the next moment he looks like this! haha
Jack and David have requested these peanut butter cookies every night this week, and Spencer has made them every night! haha They are gluten free and dairy free (if you don't add chocolate chips) but don't let that description scare you away! They are my favorite peanut butter cookies by far!
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