Last weekend, Spencer headed to Utah for the three day weekend to visit his mom (who is suffering from ALS) since he doesn't have a lot of time to take off. I was feeling less anxious by then but a little nervous for him to leave me alone with the kids (which isn't normal for me) and my parents were so great and sent a bunch of activities for the boys to do while he was gone. They loved making "shrinky dinks," playing Candy Land, and building Kinnects :)
Jack wrote this letter all by himself to Spencer while he was gone. I am shocked at how much he has learned at Kindergarten already! (I'm so glad I have this blog so I can post this and then throw away these papers with no guilt :)
"To: Dad From: Jack"
"Dad I love you. Jack"
Spencer's dad had been anxious to get out of the house so Spencer went fishing with his dad and brother early Saturday morning. I think Spencer's such a cute fisherman and I love his new glasses :)
On Sunday morning, Spencer's mom had a heart rate of 175 and her oxygen was at 85 percent. She had flu like symptoms and was not doing well at all. They ended up calling 911 and she was ambulanced to the hospital. She had pneumonia, sepsis and a partially collapsed lung. Sunday was a scary day for her and for a while we all thought we were going to lose her that day. Today she is a little more stable, but still at the hospital. We are not sure how much time she has left but we are grateful for every day that she's still here. She says she prays every night that God will help her decide when to let go. She is such a wonderful example of faith and courage! It is so hard to watch her suffer so much. We are so grateful for the miraculous timing of Spencer's trip and that he was able to be with her and his family that day.
The same day all of this was happening with Spencer's mom, I started feeling debilitating anxiety again. I called my mom in a panic and miraculously she found an affordable Allegiant flight and was in Arizona 5 hours later to help me. We experienced a lot of pain and heartache last weekend but also a lot of peace knowing that the Lord is in the details of our lives. Our mothers are angels!
Oh Monday, my mom took us to Freestone Park to ride the train and the other rides, and on Tuesday we went to Legoland Discovery Center. I had been wanting to try Legoland Discovery for a while now (the toddler time price is very affordable!) but I needed another adult to help me since Kate can't go on the two rides. I'm so glad my mom got to come with us :)
Legoland Discovery - it was empty on the weekday!
On Tuesday night, my mom watched the kids while Spencer and I went out on a date! We went to Temari Sushi and it was my favorite sushi ever! Their J.A. Roll was my favorite roll (Jalapeno Apple, who knew?!)
My mom took my kids to the Mesa Temple visitor center while we were gone. She's the best :)
The next day was my birthday, and I got to go to breakfast with my mom before dropping her off at the airport. I was so sad to send her back to Utah but I joke that my nervous breakdown really paid off - I got my mom for my birthday ;)
We went to Joe's BBQ for my birthday dinner, came home for cupcakes from the Great Gadsby Bakery, and then Spencer put the kids to bed while I went birthday shopping. It was a great day!
Other stuff (mainly another huge photo dump of pictures of Kate ;)
We took Kate to her four month appointment and here are her stats:
Shots are no fun :(
She loves Spencer!
Funny/cute sleeping positions
They are going to love these spooning pictures and pictures in the bath together when they are older ;)
We had fun at Krazy Air the other day! I can't believe that my kids are now friends with my childhood friend's kids now. It's fun to have second generation Wirthlin/Jenson friends!
Fun fact - my hair is longer than it has ever been in my life by a long shot! It took me 28 years to finally develop the self discipline to not cut it! haha
Speaking of hair, we got this hairband as a gift for Kate and I just don't understand why anyone would do this to their baby??? hahaha
Jack told me to put this picture of him on my blog! haha
My parents gave this to Kate as a very early Christmas present and she loves it!
She is almost always smiling and it seems like this last week a switch flipped and she has turned into a wiggly, squirming, army crawling, grabby, sucking-on-everything baby. My infant is gone!
And here's a picture of Jack and David so they don't look back and feel bad about all of these pictures of Kate ;)
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