This balloon kept Kate entertained for a good 15 minutes :)
We got to Utah around the same time James, Maddie and Calvin flew in! I'm so glad Kate has a Wirthlin cousin her age!
We hung out with Grandma Wirthlin for a bit then went to Elizabeth's lacrosse game in the pouring rain!
Saturday was Hannah and Jack's big day! It was a rainy but happy day!
My grandma's knees froze in the rain so we got her a wheel chair while we waited for Papa to pick her up.
Reception picture photo dump:
Excellent wardrobe choice by Elizabeth! haha
On Mother's Day, we had dinner with my grandparents and the Sheets. I'm glad Hannah's wedding fell on Mother's Day weekend so I got to spend time with my mom and grandmas!
Elizabeth created this beautiful picture while snap chatting away at church! haha I actually helped my mom buckle her shoes that morning because she couldn't see to buckele them herself so this picture is actually a deep portrayal of the circle of motherhood!
Everyone loves the swings in my parent's front yard, even my grandma!!!
We flew back home on Monday. I had a great first girl's trip with Kate and I'm glad Hannah married someone as awesome as her! :)
Spencer decided to take Jack and David camping in Sedona while we were gone and my father-in-law decided to fly down and join them. They had a great time! Maybe when Kate is older we will be brave enough to try camping as a family :)
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