My mom texted me this screenshot on Sunday and I was dying!!! Doing little kids at the beach is HARD but doing little kids anywhere is HARD so it was nice to switch it up and do hard things in closer proximity to the ocean ;)
Also, this is kind of how we felt after taking our kids to the beach! haha
I would warn you that a million pictures are about to come your way but if you are still reading my blog in 2018 (I'm pretty sure blogs went out of style in 2013) then you know that all I do is post a bazillion pictures on every single one of my posts so here I go again...
On Saturday, the boys cashed in on their father's day gift (tickets to a Padres game) and I made the mistake of thinking it was a good idea to go to the beach by myself with my kids with no snacks and only one towel. I was in way over my head! haha
Once we cleaned up, we went to check out my grandma and grandpa's condo that had an amazing view of the ocean!
The sunset was amazing!
The boys at the game (my father-in-law was vacationing in San Diego and met up with us a few times during the week)
I loved my early morning walks with Jack! On Sunday morning, he woke me up at 5:30 and said, "Mom, can we go on a walk - just me and you?" Pretty sure nobody wanted to go at that hour anyway, but I was happy to go! I remember lots of early morning beach walks with my dad when I was little :)
Leading up to this trip, he begged and begged for a straw hat and he wore it almost every morning on his walks :)
My dad met up with us one morning and bought us hot chocolate and donuts :)
Spencer took him out a couple of mornings too :)
On Monday morning, Spencer drove down to San Diego to go deep sea fishing with his dad. We went on a walk with my family and my parents treated us to brunch at Ruby's Diner out on the pier. David threw one of his biggest four-and-a-half-year old tantrums on the way there. He hates walks as passionately as Jack loves them. I'm pretty sure he's allergic to walks, and the only times that he fell apart on this trip were when we made him walk somewhere or even made him ride in a stroller somewhere!
Kate has mastered the art of selfies and even says "cheeeeeeese" before we take the picture!
Deep sea fishing (they didn't catch a single fish!!!)
Our daily routine mostly consisted of an early morning walk with Jack, a family morning walk or activity in the morning once everyone woke up, going to the beach in the afternoon, and getting together with my family in the evening.
This year, Jack was really into finding shells and catching crabs and sand crabs. He happily played in the sand all day long every single day with almost no breaks! One day, he boogie boarded over three small sharks and he still won't stop bragging about it! haha The beach is his happy place! David loooooved swimming in the ocean and boogie boarding. He didn't fall apart once while he was playing at the beach which really surprised us! haha Kate loved playing in the water and sand, but once she got wet she was DONE. We could almost always reset her brain by taking her to the pool and hot tub and she would be ready for another round at the beach. The pool was her favorite part :) There was a lot of dividing and concurring with her nap time and with how high maintenance she was at the beach, but we all survived and we all had a good time :)
Playing-on-the-beach photo dump:
Me and Spencer loved trying out James' surf board!
Calvin is THE funniest and cutest baby ever!!! We all LOVE him and he cracks us up!
Kate loved the sand crabs and would try really hard to help Jack and David catch them :)
4 generations :) I'm so glad that my grandparents came too!
James and I got a paddle ball record of 2,135!!! That was also my record for the highest I've ever counted! hahaha
Kate face planted in the sand and then just got up and kept on playing! It was a perfect sand mask! haha
Jack and Calvin holding hands on the way back to the condos :)
On the 4th of July, my aunt and uncle and family drove down from San Clemente to hang out with us for the day!
That night, we had dinner together and watched fireworks from the harbor that we could watch from our condos.
America's number one fan!!!
We loved celebrating the 4th of July at the beach and hope to make it a tradition!
Other activities included:
- a walk to the harbor for lunch (Jack found a friend everywhere he went - this time he was telling his new friend about all of the crabs he caught! haha)
- a double date with Maddie and James to get Thai food (my parents babysat for us!)
- chasing bunnies
- feeding fish
- playing at the playground
- Sunset market food trucks and seeing The Incredibles 2
- fire pit and s'mores on the beach
I loved spending the week at my favorite place with my favorite people and can't wait to go back again!
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