I have discovered new hacks for each of my kids that has helped with their behavior significantly!
Jack - I signed him up for Homework Club at his school - he stays 30 minutes after school and gets all of his homework done! Then once he his home, he's done and there is no nagging him to do anything (PLUS I don't have to wait in the horribly long and hot carpool line 4 days a week!) We also started doing his 10 minutes of reading before school when we are both fresh, because there is nothing worse than listening to a tired and whiney 1st grader trying to read after 8 pm ;)
David - music! The first day Jack went to school this year, I asked David what he wanted to do during the day and offered the library, museum, having a friend over, etc and he said, "Let's just go home and have a dance party." hahaha! David is my rage-y child, but I've noticed that when I turn on music during the day he can't help but cheer up and dance. He and Kate both love it :)
Kate - we've learned this month how important it is to walk the baby, regardless of the hot weather :) She basically acts like a dog anytime we ask her if she wants to go for a walk and have started going for short walks after dinner. She gets stir crazy at home and loves to get out of the house. Can't wait for cooler weather!
Things I'm loving:
- David's new preschool! It seems like with every milestone he hits, I'm surprised he's not one milestone above that! David is only 4 1/2 but I catch myself telling people all of the time that he's 5 already!!! Maybe it's because he is always trying to keep up with Jack, but David has always seemed bigger to me and while I can't believe he's not starting kindergarten this year, I'm glad I get one more year at home with this spunky kid :) My favorite quote from David this week while he was eating a s'more in his if-you-give-a-mouse-a-cookie voice: "If you give a kid a s'more... he's gonna get reeeeeeeally sticky!!!" Love this boy!
Kate and Jack love the cows at David's school (and I love the temple in the background!)
Kate's face kills me!!! This is the face she makes every time she is nervous about a dog or other animal! haha
- the fact that I can post all of Jack's art work on this blog and then throw them away with zero guilt ;)
dinosaur puppets
megaladon pic ;)
- Family yoga at Lifetime Fitness! They started this class a couple of weeks ago and Jack and David both love it! The teacher is amazing and engaging and at the end of class, she gets my crazy wiggly kids to get "quiet inside." They lay on their backs (savasana) and close their eyes and are still for about five minutes and as she puts cold, wet towels on their heads and guides them through positive affirmations. It makes me tear up every time seeing their little bodies responding!
- "Long pizza" as Jack calls it! Venezia's is Jack's favorite pizza and he has been asking for so long to go! They had a special on Tuesday so we went after yoga!
- The fact that Jack and David can play Uno together without adult supervision!
- These screen shots :)
- Vietnamese food! Spencer has a favorite place in North Phoenix that he goes to sometimes at work and I got to try it this Saturday. So yummy!!!!
- My mom's pictures of Glacier National Park! She went this month with friends and it is now on my bucket list!
- This sweet snuggly teething girl. I took this picture at 10 pm. I'm not sure if Spencer was putting her to bed or vise vera :)
- This sunset at the church before volleyball
- My cute little "helper" in the kitchen :)
- The fact that Kate can sometimes hold her own with Jack and David and play with them. We set up the tents/forts that my parents got for them a while ago and the three of them played in them together all weekend. Also, I'm loving that Kate has formed an attachment to this little pink bunny. She calls it "Beebee" and wants it all the time :)
Kate and Daniel must be related. He makes the same face when he's nervous about something and it cracks me up!