The Sunday evening before Thanksgiving, we went to cheer for my friend, Chelsie, who finished her first full ironman!
We walking around the course to see her pass at different points - at one point, the kids wanted to try the scooters! They loved it but it made me way too nervous! haha
Spencer took the kids to hang out at the finish line and the last 6-8 miles of the course, me and Alicia ran around like crazy to different points to cheer for Chelsie multiple times! haha
On Monday, my father-in-law came to town for the week. We took him straight to our new favorite place to feed the funny animals on the power line trail!
I'm am loving how Jack and David are starting to include Kate more and more when they play. Game changer!
On Tuesday, we went to the Natural History Museum!
On Wednesday the boys went fishing at the Riparian. I knew Kate would be trouble so Kate and I rode our bikes there instead. I love this little loop I discovered. It's a little long for kids, but there are plenty of fun stops on the way. We stopped to feed the horses, we stopped to see the boys fish, we stopped for the turtle, we stopped to feed the funny animals at Carl's, and we stopped to watch all of the fish get taken out of the canal! It was a pretty eventful ride!
Much more efficient than fishing at the Riparian! haha
Jack and David were bummed they didn't catch anything so when they got home I told them to go to the canal to fish since the water was drained and only a foot or two deep so it was easy to see where all the fish were. David caught this nasty fish at the canal! Spencer said it was a little deformed and so gross he didn't want to touch it! haha
We had a yummy Thanksgiving dinner. I am understanding more and more why my parents took us out to dinner on Thanksgiving when me and my brother were little - it is so much work to do all of Thanksgiving for only three adults that will eat it!
This is soooo Jack and David but I would add chicken tenders for Thanksgiving dinner as well! (Insert eye roll)
We went to Wreck it Ralph on Thanksgiving evening and it was SO GOOD! I think Monster's Inc and Wreck it Ralph 2 are my top two favorite Pixar movies.
On Friday, we hiked the hieroglyphics trail! David did sooooo good! (usually he whines and complains and makes Spencer carry him) but he rocked it!
Kate wanted to hike for a bit too which ended up being a disaster! haha
A sign of a good, hard hike:
Jack had his birthday party on Saturday - it was the the first time we did a party outside of our house and it was a lot less stressful! I'm a big fan of park parties!
Kate snuck into my purse and put on lipstick!
I sure love this birthday boy!
And more fishing.... I don't know why they like it so much because they hardly ever catch a fish! Jack and David's casts are both getting really good though! haha Kate loves her new pink fishing net we got her!
We had a Happy Thanksgiving! There is so much to be thankful for!
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