We are still recovering from vacation so we are keeping it simple and (somewhat) healthy this week:
Rotisserie Chicken
Cobb salad
Frozen lasagna
What I'm reminiscing about:
Spencer and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary last weekend in Park City and we had such a good time! We were reminiscing about our wedding day, and as I was looking through wedding pictures I found this gem - our photographer wanted Spencer to "twirl" me for a stupid, ridiculous, cheesy photo and I don't think this is the result that the photographer had in mind! haha! Spencer said that he used his track and field throwing technique on me.
What I'm loving:
Cherries and watermelon! We can't get enough - even Jack. (Food therapy was seriously a GAME CHANGER!!!)

What we've been up to:We just got back from our Arizona/Utah trip on Sunday and we had so much fun! Distance really does make the heart grow fonder - I would move to either state in a heartbeat if we could!
(Arizona post here and hopefully I'll have a Utah post up by the end of this week)
What I'm dreading:
I am currently living what I've been dreading for the last few weeks - the week after vacation is the worst and I've got post-vacation blues.
What I'm working on:
I'm still working on unpacking and organizing and restocking and catching up on sleep and getting back into the swing of things here in Iowa. There are a lot of things I should be doing instead of blogging right now :)
What I'm excited about:
Our summer vacationing isn't over! We've got one tail-end vacation at the beginning of September and I'm excited that we have another trip to look forward to.
What I'm watching/reading:I finally saw McFarland and I think it is one of my favorite movies of all time! It was SO SO SO GOOD!!! I highly recommend it!
We saw Jurassic World on our Anniversary and it was such a fun movie!
I read the spinoff of The Selection trilogy (The Bachelor meets The Hunger Games YA novels ;) and it wasn't as good as the first three. My recommendation is to skip this book :)
I read this book because Janae from Hungry Runner Girl recommended it. It is a memoir of a recovering food addict, and her story is so interesting, educational, and inspirational!
What I've been listening to:
A whole lot of David crying/whining/screaming from our 19 hour drive home from Utah.
What I'm wearing:
My sister sent me home with a bunch of her hand-me-downs that I love! I am now reaping the benefits of being the shorter big sister :) Also, since we've been swimming so much I've been wearing this top (in leopard) and these bottoms (in black) a lot.
What I'm doing this weekend:
NOTHING is on the schedule this weekend but a wedding reception. I'm excited to relax and take it easy and hopefully finish the last season Gilmore Girls :)
What I'm looking forward to next month:
Running! Spencer and I are running a seven mile race (the Bix 7) at the end of July, we start training for a half marathon that is in September, and we are doing track workouts with the Cornbelt Running Club every Tuesday night. I'm really glad Spencer converted to running.
What's up with you?!
I have been completely obsessed with Gilmore Girls lately. I haven't watched it in years and am loving the fact that it's on Netflix now! Good luck with your races, I'll be running the Rock and Roll half this July - so not ready for it!