That afternoon, we had a delicious Thanksgiving feast with great friends (and I forgot to take a single picture!) We are so lucky to have such amazing friends here in Iowa. Also, I officially decided that stuffing is my favorite Thanksgiving food.
Black Friday was Jack's birthday and birthday party! Jack had been talking for months about doing a "cute turtle" party (as opposed to a Ninja Turtle party - my turtle-loving boy has no interest in Ninja Turtles) but he changed his mind last month and wanted a Paw Patrol party, which was great for me because Paw Patrol is a lot easier to work with than "cute turtles" :) I even went on that scary Pinterest Place for ideas and it wasn't too scary - no panic attacks were had and it was actually pretty helpful ;)
However, I would like to take all of the credit for the paw print cupcakes. I used Hershey's kisses and chocolate chips and I came up with that without pinterest and it is very important that I document and brag about that because it's the most creative thing that I have ever done.
Here's the birthday boy, waiting for his friends to arrive with his new birthday "cozy turtle" :)
We painted faces, pinned the badge on Chase, ate pizza and cupcakes, and played with Jack's new birthday presents. It was a blast!
Jack had no interest in his cupcakes (that he requested!), but David sure did!
The whole gang (minus Ezra)
Jack spent the afternoon playing with his new toys and facetiming family.
After David's nap, we dropped David off at a babysitter (because he can't quite sit through an entire movie yet) and took Jack to The Good Dinosaur. It wasn't our favorite Pixar, but Jack LOVED it!
We had such a fun day celebrating with our sweet four-year old :)
On Saturday, we put up our Christmas decorations and went to The Festival of Trees with friends. It was fun seeing all of the decked out Christmas trees and gingerbread houses. Unfortunately, the line to sit on Santa's lap was ridiculously long so we settled for a wave and went around and met the other characters that were out wandering around.
Sending a letter to Santa - Jack wants the "Everest" paw patrol and Jack said that David wants the "Marshal" paw patrol :)
...And now it's Christmastime!!!
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