I ran into my friend, Julie, who used to live in Davenport with us. It was so good to see her!
The boys were not huge fans :) Quotes of the night:
Jack: “I feel the Spirit, mom. It’s crawling up my leg!"
Spencer: “What does the dancing have to do with anything?!"
David fell asleep during the last part of the pageant but once we got to our camp site, he was ready to PLAY! gah! We didn’t all get to sleep until almost midnight. #campingfail
The next morning, Spencer went to the temple and I took Jack and David on the carriage ride and ox ride. They were so excited!
I forgot that the carriage ride was an entire hour so by the end of the ride, Jack and David were OVER IT! haha We took selfies at the end to keep them entertained. Jack’s face says it all :)
The ox ride was much better! Only five minutes and they got to sit in the front and “drive”.
After the ox ride, we picked Spencer up and headed to the church for our “Stake Nauvoo Family Day” luncheon. Afterwards, we went to a few shows, visited the blacksmith, and killed some time by the Mississippi River while David napped. Jack was so excited that the worker gave him the horse shoe that we watched him make.
David would NOT wake up so we loaded him in the car and he missed out on our ice cream run and chocolate covered cinnamon bear run before going to the county fair. If you snooze you lose :) The county fair is Jack and David’s favorite thing about Nauvoo. They love going to all the stations to collect beads and getting all sorts of trinkets to take home.
We decided to ditch out on the other pageant because we saw it last year and because we didn’t think there was any way that Jack and David would last sitting through another one :) They’ve been sleeping with their home made puppets that they got in Nauvoo ever since we got home :)
Other random things:
I love David’s crazy hair that needs trimmed :)
We double dipped at Customer Appreciation Day at Chic-Fil-a yesterday. I took Jack and David for lunch with friends and then Spencer took them to another location for dinner while I was at my track workout.
And I believe our couch is officially toast, though we have no plans to buy a new couch anytime soon. (They will just destroy that one too!) Our couch has been a great fort maker, jungle gym, and trampoline these last few years :) I'm proud that our ridiculously cheap couch held up for so long :)
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