David STILL can't sit through a movie but instead of running around like a crazy, he fell asleep on me (not even Spencer)! This NEVER happens and I really enjoyed cuddling my crazy toddler while watching Finding Dory. Jack, Spencer, and I loved the movie :)
We had a gift card to a local pizza place and decided to try it out after the movie. Very mediocre food, but cool atmosphere. Spencer loved watching golf on the tv at our booth :)
We headed down to the Mississippi River on Sunday night for our city's firework show. David had a rough time. He hates fireworks!
On Monday, we went to a breakfast at church then headed straight to Maquoketa Caves, which has been on our Iowa bucket list for two years now. It was really cool! There was one main huge cave that was paved and lighted and then about 20 other caves that you had to use your own flashlight to see and sometimes even crawl or scoot on your stomach to get into. Jack was totally into the caves and David was super nervous and scared of them :) We took the hiking backpacks with us - never again! Our 4 1/2 year-old and 2 1/2 year-old have officially outgrown of them. They about killed us carrying them on our backs!
Love these boys of mine!
We ended the weekend with hamburgers, ice cream, and fireworks with friends. God bless America!
David really wasn't having the fireworks (the kind that you set off at home). He made Spencer cover his ears and cried to go inside anytime they went off. It was partly sad and partly cute and entertaining. I am a horrible parent.
Shout out to the most patriotic father ever, who sent us selfies and video selfies doing yard work with the American flag ;)
Other things worth noting:
Jack and David spent a solid two hours playing turtles in this bucket. #notvmonth
We spent yesterday at Turtle Camp. Yep, it was called turtle camp and it couldn't have been more perfect for Jack and David. I was bored out of my mind, but they sure had fun ;) I know more about turtles and reptiles than I ever cared to know! #boymom #momofturtlelovers
Jack and his friends from preschool looking for turtles in the marsh:
They both ate their turtle snack right up!
Jack and David ride their "lawn mowers" every day until the batteries die. (Thank goodness the batteries eventually die or else we'd be out all day long!) Best money (my parents) ever spent ;) Jack and David are putting their birthday gifts to good use!
We resurfaced the rocket launcher! Don't let David's happy face fool you. As soon as the rocket loudly launched, he was in tears and wanted nothing to do with the rockets. I hope his fear of loud noises is a phase that will pass quickly. He's got 6 months until New Years :)
Wild life in our yard - ground hog that went back to the "zoo" and kind of cute/kind of ugly baby birds.
David is weaning from his naps. It's a struggle, either at 4:30 pm (when he goes without a nap) when the tantrums start and don't end until bedtime, or at 10 pm (when he does have a nap) and he's still not asleep. Good thing we love him.
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