That evening, my family rolled into town from Utah! We had such a fun week with them. Highlights included rollerblading, lots of good food, California chariot-ing, the Arizona bowl, hiking, seeing The Greatest Showman, and fireworks!
My dad brought our old roller blades to Arizona and we had so much fun! Nothing makes me feel less like a mom with responsibilities than rollerblading (and maybe Disneyland too ;) I spent my entire childhood on roller blades and even bladed to school for a couple of weeks during my senior year of high school when I lost my car keys! haha #noshame I seriously love roller blading! My dad and I went on a long ride first and then I slowly recruiting people throughout the week! One day, I roller bladed for 10 miles total! haha
My parents gave Jack and David California chariots for Christmas. They are so fun and Jack and David love them!
We went to the Arizona bowl down in Tuscon to cheer on our Utah State Aggies with all of my favorite Aggies! The wrong Aggies won, but the game was still so fun and nostalgic. I can't believe I was a freshman at Utah State 10 years ago!!!
My grandparents are the most hardcore and loyal Aggies I know! Some of my favorite memories with them were when I was at Utah State and they would come up for every football and basketball game. They would pick me up and would treat me to Fredricos or Juniper Takeout before we headed to the game.
Spencer and I were planning on hiking Flat Iron, but Spencer was a little sick so I ended up hiking with my dad and Jack to the wind caves! Jack loves hiking so much. I don't think there is a kid out there more interested in each rock and cactus like Jack is. Another random funny thing about Jack - Feliz Navidad is his all time favorite song! Spencer and I got tickets to the Taylor Swift concert and Jack said that he didn't want to go to Taylor Swift but he wanted to go to the Feliz Navidad concert! lol Love my quirky boy!
Fireworks on New Years Eve:
Elizabeth had the perfect "Rolling into 2018" Instagram caption, but she just needed to nail the picture! hahahaha
Other random pictures from the week:
I was so sad when everyone went back home New Years day. The next week we spent at home playing outside! Winter break in Arizona is a dream! I love our neighborhood and I love my neighbor and her kids!!!
Why would you ride a bike when you can show off your geodes to the entire neighborhood instead!? hahaha
And read a book about geodes :)
We finally have figured out a way to go on a family bike ride! Jack and Kate in the trailer and David on a bike! Never thought that would be the arrangement that would work, but it's working for us for now! I'm hoping Jack will learn how to ride a bike by the time he is 12, but in the mean time he is David's number one cheerleader and a good little babysitter for Kate :) We rode about 2 miles total without stopping and Jack kept yelling to David, "Oh my gosh David!!!! You are getting the biggest record!!!"
Kate loves her little car and thinks she is one of the big kids when she rides it!
Jack and David wanted to spend their Christmas money at Build-a-Bear no matter how much we tried to talk them out of it. Jack is determined to collect all of the Pokemon Build-A-Bears and since they keep adding Pokemon to their store, hand e now has about $200 more dollars worth of stuffed Pokemon that he wants!!! I hate Pokemon and I hate Build-A-Bear but they sure love it! haha
Our last day of winter break we went to the skate park with all of their new Christmas toys :) They had SO MUCH FUN and we ended up going again after Kate's nap and they are still begging to go again.
I've had postpartum anxiety with all three of my babies. I didn't know what it was with Jack because I had only heard of postpartum depression, and with David I wasn't sure how much of my anxiety was hormonal and how much was just sleep depravation since he woke up at 5 am every morning. With Kate, I was shocked at how normal and sane I felt even with a cross country move when she was just 2 weeks old, but then my anxiety hit hard at the end of August. My anxiety comes in waves, and most of the time I feel fine or know what tools to use when I feel it coming. (I usually cope with exercise, talking to my mom or friends on the phone while I clean, blogging, and planning/researching vacations that I will most likely never go on ;) On the days when the feeding and nursing and napping and diapering and crying and snack requests and messes and laundry and fighting and screaming seem extra agitating and I feel like I'm trapped living the same mindless demanding day over and over again, I can always look back on my day and remember at least one short moment of complete euphoric bliss where I felt so much overwhelming love and joy. Yesterday, it was at the skate park with my babies. They lyrics from the Greatest Showman summed up my feelings completely - "It's everything you ever want. It's everything you ever need. And it's here right in front of you. This is where you want to be."
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