
Things I'm loving

  • Rollerblading!!! I didn't realize how much I missed it until I started rollerblading again! haha Rollerblading has been a part of every phase of my life (including high school and college because I am cool like that) but not motherhood! I know it's dorky, but it makes me feel so happy and ALIVE! haha
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Jack loves his California chariot!
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I went with some friends one night and it POURED on us! Haha We're going to make rollerblading cool ;)
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  •  Running with Alicia!!! I went to high school with her and she was my roommate my freshman year of college. I've been running every Wednesday morning with her and this weekend she is getting married and moving to Mesa (too far away to drive to her house and run with her on a weekday morning!) I'm happy she's getting married but sad she's moving! Today was our last run and our friend Julie was in town from Kansas and came running with us! 
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Alicia got a new Garmin watch for Christmas and gave me her old one!!! I'm so grateful and excited! My old Garmin watch was the most basic and over 4 years old!
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  • Jack started basketball practice and actually likes it! He had been dreading it and was nervous about it so I'm glad he is having a positive experience. 
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  • My little helper in the bathroom when I'm getting ready for the day. (FYI I've gotten a lot better at cropping my reflection out of the mirror and making sure I have clothes on before I take a picture just to make sure I don't send an accidental nudie to my mom again ;)
  • Pioneer Park by the Mesa Temple. My boys loved it - I wasn't a huge fan because it's not a park where you can be a lazy mom and just sit and talk to friends ;)
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  • Spencer is on Instagram! He still never reads my blog but he stalked my Instagram for the first time the other day and I got over 100 "likes" from him! haha I keep telling him that when I die he will be grateful that I documented our life! haha
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  • Kate's two positions in her car - either standing up and bouncing or relaxed and lounging! haha
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  • I don't love the fact that Spencer is doing the Keto diet, but I do love my mom's response to his Instagram post about it! haha
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I'm glad that Spencer finally figured out what causes him so many stomach issues for him (dairy and grains) but I seriously hate that dairy and grains cause him so many issues because THAT IS ALL OF THE GOOD FOOD! Luckily, he can cheat and eat it on occasion (it just causes discomfort for him) but sometimes I just have to run away and get me some carbs since it's usually not worth it to me to make meals loaded in dairy and carbs if I'm the only one who is going to eat it. Jack and David are picky and so our family meals are way too catered to what everyone wants/needs. I should probably read some book or take some parenting class but that sounds awful so I'll probably just keep enabling them for now ;) A boba for the win on Saturday night!
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  • These curls that I hope stick around!!!
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  • MLK bike ride and parade! We met at my friend, Jeni's house and rode with her to the parade. It was probably a 4 or 5 mile ride and David did so good!
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Jeni's my favorite bike parader, life coach, yogi, hippy friend and hero! I'm so lucky to know her!
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  • Kinetic sand that my mom got Jack for his birthday! Jack and David have been playing with it every day!
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  • Swimming lessons for Jack and David! They get free swimming lessons since I work there and they love it! Kate has been dying to get in the water so this week I brought her swimsuit and she loved it!
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  • My portrait match on the google arts and culture app. I got an Asian portrait every single time! #asianbutnotreally (BTW I wrote about one of my funniest Asian misunderstandings here.) 
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