
What's Up Wednesday

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Today, I’m linking up with ShayShaefer and Mel for What’s Up Wednesday!
What we're eating: 
Pretty much just this ice cream :) It's my new favorite Blue Bell flavor! 
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What I'm reminiscing about:
I got a bunch of pictures from my father-in-law while we were at Lake Powell and found all of these from this winter when we went sledding for Spencer's birthday. A few favorites:
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What I'm loving:  
 These screen shots:
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What we've been up to:
Still swimming since it's still dang hot in Arizona!
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Jack gave a talk in primary this week and Kate was enjoying being with the big kids :)
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We attempted to go out to eat as a family, and then we were again reminded how stupid it is to pay money to wrestle your kids in public!
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What I'm working on:
A couple of months ago I got trained to run Facebook Ads for businesses. I got my first client this month and I'm so excited!
What I'm dreading:
Jack ever losing another tooth ;) It's all just too traumatic/dramatic! haha
He lost his first tooth last week and his second tooth a couple of days later! When he lost his first tooth, he was at school and he had to go to the nurse's office. He said that the blood made him have a tummy ache so he stayed at the nurse's office during recess too :)
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What I'm excited about:
My new nephew, Max Fielding Wirthlin. Isn't he the CUTEST?!
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I love him already!!!
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What I'm watching:
This is Us!!!!
What I'm reading:
I am still very slowly re-reading Harry Potter. I'm just about to start the Goblet of Fire :)
What I've been listening to:

"Remember Christ has no human body now upon the earth but yours; no hands but yours; no feet but yours. Yours, my brothers and sisters, are the eyes through which Christ’s compassion has to look upon the world, and yours are the lips with which His love has to  speak." - Sarah Elizabeth Rowntree

"Only by learning to follow the Lord's example of testifying to, compassionately mourning with, and persistently loving people in a variety of circumstances can we effectively minister to the one. As aspiring Christians but still imperfect Saints, we may not always understand the struggles of others or know how to help. But we can always love them, creating safe spaces where others - and often we ourselves - can struggle with the hard sayings of life." - Eric D. Huntsman 
What I'm wearing: 
I'm loving my new Pura Vida bracelets. I signed up for the monthly club for my birthday and this was the September pack.
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What I'm doing this weekend: 
Jack has his first soccer game!
What I'm looking forward to next month:
October everything!!!
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Bonus Question: What is your favorite way to eat/drink pumpkin? 
I am not a huge pumpkin fan, but I love pumpkin bread!
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