6-6:30 am - I woke up and went running on the canal. I still reeeeally miss our Iowa trail but sometimes this canal really delivers some great views :)
6:30 - Spencer left for work and I started the process of getting Jack ready for school. We do his spelling, phonograms and reading in the morning which has improved our evenings significantly! I also started carpooling with a friend (they pick up in the mornings and I pick up in the afternoons) and it has made my mornings a million times less stressful since David and Kate tend to sleep in longer.
7:35 - Jack left for school (school starts at 8:25 but he and his friend love getting there right at 7:45 so they can have a "long recess" before school! David and Kate woke up sometime around 8 and I showered and got the next two kids ready for the day!
8:45 - We left to drop David off at school and then Kate and I hit up all of the errands - bank, school district, and Costco :)
If only this were actually helpful!!!!
11:30 - we picked up David from school and brought Saige home to have lunch and to play with us!
I had my fav Chinese chicken salad!
1:00 pm - Kate went down for a nap and I cleaned the kitchen, moped the floor, and worked on FB ads for my client.
3:30 - Saige went home and we headed to pick up Jack from school.
4:45 - Jack, David, and I went to family yoga at Lifetime Fitness
After yoga, we ran into Spencer working out!
6:00 pm - we had dinner (everyone had their leftovers of choice - I had Chinese chicken salad again ;) then the boys worked in the messy garage with Spencer on his passion project (at home gym stuff - he got the new flooring and built a PVC pipe pushup thingy ;)
It's really too bad that neither of our passion projects is to clean out the garage ;)
7:30 - the kids got ready for bed and Spencer left for a meeting
8:00 - read books, then put the kids to bed
Once the kids went to bed, I shopped online for family picture outfits then Spencer came home around 9:15. Spencer watched a show while I continued to waste time on the internet then went to bed around 10:00. I've been having trouble falling asleep so I read Harry Potter until about 10:30 :)
And that's a day in our life!
P.S. After I blogged about this day, I went back to look at the last time I did a day in the life post - turns out it was one day off from exactly a year ago - Sept 26th - and also a Tuesday! I had no idea! haha) Turns out last year was way too similar to this year - I started my day out on the canal, I also had Chinese chicken salad for both lunch and dinner (I really don't even make it that much!), Saige came over to play, I mopped the floors, and Spencer went to a meeting. So I guess I should feel totally validated when I say that I feel like I'm trapped living the same mindless demanding day over and over again - I pretty much am! hahaha
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