
Christmas break in Utah

I have been slow posting because I have had computer issues since we got back from Utah (and really I have just had a miserably and frustratingly slow computer for years now) I finally had to bite the bullet yesterday and get a new computer. I am excited though because my new computer is fast and I think blogging will literally take half of the time it used to! So back to Christmas break...

We headed to Utah the morning after Christmas! My mom picked us up from the airport and we were all excited about all of the snow!
6C838024 6C55 4FAE BDD2 F11A7483DC2B
We played in the snow for a bit then headed to my sister-in-law's house to visit them in Stansbury Park before they headed to Bear Lake for the rest of the week.
Snow is so much better when it's a one and done thing each year ;)
A176774D 9512 4F6E 8DD9 5ACA2218AA6A
01EDE9ED 5329 405E 886B AB168165FCA9
F801D72B 16DC 4AD7 9DA8 498F3BB437A4
B096DFF6 5C1E 497A 8678 B9AB8FB7996C
425A453E 06EB 4EA0 A6CE 0A91F26F25E9
08CABE73 6C3D 4385 A97A FC68B673658C
Love these cute nieces and nephew!
F5D5243C 5156 423A ACC1 E80E6A219FD3
The next day, we went sledding and celebrated Calvin's second birthday at Bahama Bucks and a trampoline park. How cute is baby Max?!
2DCCD077 520D 4C94 B5D8 F9C3B235770C
21729E8E 593D 4285 BB71 5CF19C0A25CA
Jack and David LOVED sledding - Kate and Calvin were not huge fans ;)
189BF329 813C 4EF9 99CE 37B3333A9861
AAEA9EAA 0F58 401B B6AC 10EBE086068C
BDA80098 FF38 4A75 92ED 57FEE734208A
13BA1BA0 CE05 4D3F 8EDB 1648F90C27C9
DE93396D 1D04 4E59 BE12 273815BACCAA
0CE33351 38D5 4CEA 8FEC 831DA086A988
DEFFAFB4 55CD 459A 9B44 9280F29DD80B
90010873 F975 43E7 A549 3BFFC2A3A9A6
I got to snuggle this cutie at the trampoline park.
9402B1EE 2D16 4F40 BF16 5AC5A10596D8
Happy birthday, Calvin!
7DB48C64 70FC 448D 9B19 B8043504BAB2
EA57B01A 19FE 4968 96D9 FFBC6777CC0D
78108B6C 7093 4F01 A963 3264E0164272
The next day Spencer and I went skiing with my dad while my mom watched our kids. I hadn't skied since Jr. High and Spencer had never skied before. It was exhausting, freezing (only 1 degree) and SO MUCH FUN! We can't wait to go again!
3C122643 C1C0 4D80 A598 DED849D90DC1
My dad took this picture as my toes defrosted at the lodge - it hurt so bad! haha
6F389B5F 7DEC 4440 992E 8DFA43919878
My dad is a hardcore skier!
CEEC607D 7F7F 4515 BDE3 B3C090166C89
Pictures my mom took while we were gone - I'm so grateful she watched our kids for us! We don't get long breaks from them very often!
C198F065 2690 4D2A AB48 4ED9C7563A2E
B1FAA63F 7E3A 4D57 BEF3 EDC4B500A099
8650C558 9A97 4D31 A578 BAB15F3CEEE0
1BE798AD BCD6 41E0 AA68 F64FFDDB8AE3
Some pictures from the drive back down from the ski resort! So pretty!
499397C0 65CA 420B 9B1A FAAEB29B5165
9FF0C88F 03BF 4AF9 A9F8 652A1B309936
When we got home, Kate was passed out on my mom!
2D203013 F4F5 4468 BCAE A2DBA256DA11
Building snowmen with Nana :)
B58FD8FD B125 4190 B9E9 68AB2BDD7AD4
Kate got her hair done multiple times by Elizabeth :)
2C9A570C 12F6 44CF 9CFA 17416DA8958E
We got to hang out with my grandparents, too. My grandma hasn't been feeling well for the last few months but she seemed to be doing a little better during Christmas time. Jack sure loves talking to them :)
97DC7E8F 86E1 40DC AD31 848695B5F67F
He came home from school one day with just one Christmas card he made, and he made it for "Papa Carlos" and "Grandma Annie" :)
My grandpa wanted Jack to explain the picture on the card - Jack said it was grandma (in a wheel chair ;), Papa, and him, with hearts over their heads - and the blue on Jack's face were "happy tears" (melt my heart!)
C6D0A6BB 8326 42A2 8BB0 E6EA89CD7868
666E4ED8 24C6 4B57 9FF5 96B6C19CECC7
So pretty!!! (at least when you are just watching it from the inside ;)
55714E79 C3C8 4887 B178 0894D3475516
More make up and hair time with Elizabeth :)
A9ECC72B CB9F 4E20 BEA4 916927A19DD2
On Saturday we went downtown Salt Lake to the Observatory with some of Spencer's family and then went to my father-in-laws house for dinner and to play with cousins. We got to spend time with my newest niece, Madelyn Joy :)
FC326B05 A434 4162 A2A2 43C9BE030282
D599E075 950D 466F 96B1 E0A6E180B940
On New Year's Eve, Spencer and I took Jack and David sledding one last time - they were both DETERMINED to go off the jump and it took FOREVER for them to hit it. (Turns out, they really stink at steering on a sled. So after a million tries and tears later, they finally both got it a couple of times!
97984D6B FB02 4D4F 918A CA8E9AC66A4E
33C5D185 73EB 4F28 9813 A721C33F505A
CD81A935 4947 4B18 B4EE 9ECF53C8CEA3
45EDE2B0 368F 41ED 950A 20F2D8751518
Jack even went backwards!
7C4A6C79 9D90 4DA2 9911 D47979684939
I love Utah mountains!
F07F4A04 6669 4916 9EB0 68E69D52F746
10E7FC0B 5917 4ACE 979F 74D92FF21EA9
We had a New Year's Eve party at my cousin's house! My Sheets cousins lived in Arizona for the majority of my childhood so I have such fond and happy memories celebrating Christmas and NYE with them!
653E022C 914D 40A7 B6DE 416EA3D12608
They have a Christmas tradition where they decorate gingerbread men and houses and then creatively destroy them afterwards (cuz who wants them sitting on your countertop all Christmas?!) It didn't take long for Jack and David to totally get into the gingerbread men destroying - they thought it was hilarious!
B759DD7F AF53 457B 9AF5 67B7A5B0A6AC
3614DA4D 4A68 475B BF8C 0AAC5331B452
A6ACB9D7 0D1F 4EF4 8A46 4DB7FB947B64
My grandma is the best!
65FE1F16 ABC0 4C42 9472 5CD31F3C040A
Kate and David made it until about 11:15 pm, then Spencer took them back to my parents house to put them to bed. Jack rang in the new year with me - his first year staying up until midnight!
8A35E0D1 07A5 4210 AF9E FBF27CBDF23B     
These guys made it to midnight too! haha
 C6265C0E 8E1B 4437 A959 6B18EA28BC59
We had to wake up bright and early New Years day to catch our flight back to Arizona. It was painful, but we all took naps when we got home!
A6FEA41D 3206 4D41 B99D DFC5F1A517CA 84DAA6AC FB3D 47AF B400 A9E3D596A1F6    
We had such a great time in Utah and are so grateful for my parents who helped us get there this year.  It's always fun spending time with family, especially over the holidays!

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