We headed to Utah the morning after Christmas! My mom picked us up from the airport and we were all excited about all of the snow!
We played in the snow for a bit then headed to my sister-in-law's house to visit them in Stansbury Park before they headed to Bear Lake for the rest of the week.
Snow is so much better when it's a one and done thing each year ;)
Love these cute nieces and nephew!
The next day, we went sledding and celebrated Calvin's second birthday at Bahama Bucks and a trampoline park. How cute is baby Max?!
Jack and David LOVED sledding - Kate and Calvin were not huge fans ;)
I got to snuggle this cutie at the trampoline park.
Happy birthday, Calvin!
The next day Spencer and I went skiing with my dad while my mom watched our kids. I hadn't skied since Jr. High and Spencer had never skied before. It was exhausting, freezing (only 1 degree) and SO MUCH FUN! We can't wait to go again!
My dad took this picture as my toes defrosted at the lodge - it hurt so bad! haha
My dad is a hardcore skier!
Pictures my mom took while we were gone - I'm so grateful she watched our kids for us! We don't get long breaks from them very often!
Some pictures from the drive back down from the ski resort! So pretty!
When we got home, Kate was passed out on my mom!
Building snowmen with Nana :)
Kate got her hair done multiple times by Elizabeth :)
We got to hang out with my grandparents, too. My grandma hasn't been feeling well for the last few months but she seemed to be doing a little better during Christmas time. Jack sure loves talking to them :)
He came home from school one day with just one Christmas card he made, and he made it for "Papa Carlos" and "Grandma Annie" :)
My grandpa wanted Jack to explain the picture on the card - Jack said it was grandma (in a wheel chair ;), Papa, and him, with hearts over their heads - and the blue on Jack's face were "happy tears" (melt my heart!)
So pretty!!! (at least when you are just watching it from the inside ;)
More make up and hair time with Elizabeth :)
On Saturday we went downtown Salt Lake to the Observatory with some of Spencer's family and then went to my father-in-laws house for dinner and to play with cousins. We got to spend time with my newest niece, Madelyn Joy :)
On New Year's Eve, Spencer and I took Jack and David sledding one last time - they were both DETERMINED to go off the jump and it took FOREVER for them to hit it. (Turns out, they really stink at steering on a sled. So after a million tries and tears later, they finally both got it a couple of times!
Jack even went backwards!
I love Utah mountains!
We had a New Year's Eve party at my cousin's house! My Sheets cousins lived in Arizona for the majority of my childhood so I have such fond and happy memories celebrating Christmas and NYE with them!
They have a Christmas tradition where they decorate gingerbread men and houses and then creatively destroy them afterwards (cuz who wants them sitting on your countertop all Christmas?!) It didn't take long for Jack and David to totally get into the gingerbread men destroying - they thought it was hilarious!
My grandma is the best!
Kate and David made it until about 11:15 pm, then Spencer took them back to my parents house to put them to bed. Jack rang in the new year with me - his first year staying up until midnight!
These guys made it to midnight too! haha
We had to wake up bright and early New Years day to catch our flight back to Arizona. It was painful, but we all took naps when we got home!
We had such a great time in Utah and are so grateful for my parents who helped us get there this year. It's always fun spending time with family, especially over the holidays!
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