David finished up preschool last week. He had a great year with Miss Ashley! I loved their end-of-the-year program - David made his shy/too cool/goofy face the entire time! haha

Brooklyn was David's fav school friend :)

Last week we took David to kindergarten kickoff! He's so excited and SO READY!

Before it cooled down this week, we hit the pool at Lifetime! Kate LOVES swimming!

You never know when Kate is going to take an actual scheduled nap. Most days she just falls asleep in the car during carpool and sometimes transfers to the couch!
This weekend we went out for sushi for Elizabeth's birthday! Great company and great food! Tamari really is my favorite place ever for sushi!!
When we got home, we saw that the kids successfully manipulated the babysitter into thinking that Kate falls asleep in the boy's room :)
Jack had his last flag football game on Saturday. He had a great time playing with all of his friends and his coach was amazing!
When you know that 100 degrees is right around the corner, it's hard not to go outside every chance you get!
Jack and David made their biggest "nest" yet with their friend, Vinny :)
We took our first family bike ride with both boys on their own bikes - game changer!!!
Arizona doesn't have much to work with when it comes to Spring but it's been my favorite AZ spring yet.
The sunset last night was unreal!!!
They built a "rainforest" yesterday... I love watching their imaginations run wild :)
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