"No food or gifts given to us, no singing or presentations, and most moms bring takeout for their kids to enjoy. Truly a special day for the kids - I mean moms." 😂I brought Dominos Pizza for lunch (Jack's request). Jack grabbed the box of pizza and when I asked him where we should sit he said, "Can I just go sit with my friends?" 😂 Honestly though, I loved watching him scarf down his pizza while he talked to his cute friends before ditching me for recess. 😆 I love being his mama ❤️

David made this for me at preschool. I didn't realize how domestic I look in his eyes! haha

On Friday night we went to Enchanted Island in Phoenix to use our Pogo pass before it gets too hot. I brought my camera to practice so I have way more pictures than I would normally post for a trip to Enchanted Island! haha

Spencer was sick from all of the spinning rides by the end of the night!

On Mother's Day, I got to take a nap after church and go hiking the in the evening. We tried hiking Pinnacle Peak and Scottsdale and really liked it! I'm so grateful I get to be a mom and I'm so grateful for my mom, mother-in-law, grandmas, and all of the amazing women in my life 💛

We found the HUGEST lizard!

All of the flowers were in bloom and it was beautiful!

A few pictures of Kate's little girl gang! She sure loves her friends!

Our neighbor, Vinny, has a pool and I love getting pictures like this from Vinny's mom :)

Our walks on the canal are coming to a close for the season... we go out every chance we can get when the weather is decent.

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