It turns out that the middle of Wyoming isn't completely worthless! The sunrise was gorgeous!
We arrived in Kaysville in the early afternoon on Saturday and Spencer's parents watched our kids while we took a much needed nap :)
On Sunday, we headed down to Holladay after church to visit my grandparents for dinner. Grandma Annie showed them baby turtles on her ipad and her sea shells. She sure knows the way to their hearts :)
My grandparents are known for their snails around here and Jack and David were SO EXCITED to hunt for snails with their "snail grandparents" :)
Seriously, how cute is this "Snail Grandma"?!
They caught 153 snails this year! (A major record! They caught 25 snails last year)
My grandparents sent us back to Kaysville with their Winnebago! Camping for 4 days in Bear Lake with a toddler and preschooler was a whole lot easier with it and we were so grateful that they offered it to us. Jack and David were in heaven!
We left for Bear Lake on Monday morning but made a pit stop in Logan to visit our old stomping grounds. We cleaned my wedding ring, showed Jack and David the Logan temple and the house where we used to live, and ate at Fredrikos and Aggie Ice cream! Logan will always have a special place in our hearts :)
4 1/2 years ago, I brought this baby from the hospital to this cute little home :) How has it been that long?!
Two scoops when you just get Aggie Ice Cream every two years or so :) (Lemon custard and praline pecan) FYI I never order pralines and cream/praline pecan ice cream anywhere else but Aggie ice cream because praline pecan Aggie ice cream ruined all of the other praline pecan ice creams out there for me. It's like a completely different ice cream flavor - there is praline pecan ice cream and then there is praline pecan Aggie ice cream. If you've tried it before then you understand what I'm talking about ;)
After Aggie Ice Cream we hit the road again for Bear Lake. I love the view as you come out of the canyon!
As soon as we arrived, we headed out to Bloomington Lake to hike and go off the rope swing into the freezing glacier water! I used to go to Bear Lake/Bloomington Lake almost every summer as a kid with my cousins and it was fun to take Jack and David there for the first time. It's so beautiful!
Spencer wins "Dad of the year" for wading in the freezing water to catch tadpoles!
Jack and David were almost too excited to sleep the first night in the Winnebago :)
We spent the next three days fishing, boating, and playing on the beach with family. My brother-in-law's family has beach front property and we hung out there a lot. It was gorgeous!
Jack looooooved fishing. My father-in-law took Spencer and the boys out fishing one day at the crack of dawn. (I passed on that trip ;) They spent 5 hours fishing and had no luck! Jack still had a blast and David fell asleep at 7:30 am and took a two and a half hour nap on Spencer's lap :)
Playing with cousins on the beach and at the cabin:
How cute is my niece?!
These three were born within six months of each other :)
Jack and David played hard and slept hard! David fell asleep everywhere (as long as Spencer was holding him!)
Boating is exhausting :)
Jack fished three times at Bear Lake and didn't catch a dang fish (grandpa caught one), but he said that his favorite part about Bear Lake was the fishing! He was so cute and patient and got pretty dang good at casting his fishing pole!
If only you could hear her cute little voice yelling "fishy!" like the little girl on Finding Nemo :)
The KOA we stayed at was really nice! It had showers (my favorite part ;), a couple of playgrounds, a swimming pool, and a bouncy thing that was David's favorite!
We headed back to Kaysville on Thursday afternoon and met Spencer's extended family at the park for dinner. It was so good to see everyone (and Becca, why didn't we take pictures?!)
On Friday, we went to the Hogle Zoo with my in-laws and brother-in-law's family. We spent the most time at the reptile exhibit, thanks to Jack :) The part about the zoo that I used to skip is now his very favorite part.
Jack reeeeeeally loved spending time with his cousins :)
Afterwards, we went swimming with my grandparents and with my cousins! (I forgot to take pictures again!) I didn't forget a picture of their gorgeous mountain though!
Before we hit the road for home on Saturday, we stopped to visit Grandma Wirthlin and then headed fishing for the FOURTH time that week. We went to a fish farm to make sure that Jack caught a dang fish. They caught 5 fish in 10 minutes - now that's my kind of fishing! (if I have to fish at all ;)
I got a dirty diet coke for the drive home and it didn't disappoint!
And Wyoming didn't disappoint either! They had a Costa Vida in the middle of nowhere!
I loved my view driving at the crack of dawn on Sunday morning :)
And that's a wrap! Good job if you made it through this incredibly long post :) We had a great time in Utah and wish that Iowa was closer!