

Introducing my favorite BYU Incoming Freshman 2011 facebook page posts:

Dear BYU,
After my recent mind-blowingly amazing trek experience, I feel the need to become a professional pioneer. Could this be made into a major? I'll take as many handcart puling classes as I need. I want to make my life as Mormon as possible, and this seemed like my best bet.
Marinda the Mormon

Today, while eating at the cougareat, I witnessed a girl sitting alone who was silently praying over her Taco Bell. I was instantly humbled and I kinda felt bad that I hadn't done the same.

Okay. So... tell me honestly. What are you more excited for about BYU? Your actual education and career development, or dating hot guys/girls? Come on be honest. :)

Are you guys paying tithing on scholarships? I haven't figured out what I should do...

Is anyone going to EFY this summer? I'm signed up to go to Santa Barbara, but I don't know if it will be awkward being 18 and out of high school...

God bless Utah State.