
What's Up Wednesday

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I'm linking up with Shay, Shaefer and Mel the last Wednesday of the month again for What's Up Wednesday!
What we're eating this week:
Healthy and simple food since Spencer joined Weight Watcher's this month!

Our Sam's Club finally started selling Addiels Chicken Pineapple Meatballs (we haven't had them since we lived in Alabama) and they are my FAVORITE with rice and sirachi sauce. I've had it for lunch three days in a row and I'm still not sick of it!
What I'm reminiscing about:
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What we've been up to
I try to stay busy in the winter so I have motivation to get out the door in the mornings :)
Mondays - MOPS group at Bettendorf Christian Church the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month (I met a new friend at the zoo this fall (where else would I meet new friends!? ;) and she invited me to join)
Tuesdays and Thursdays - Preschool for Jack
Wednesdays - storytime at the library
Fridays - art class (I loved the arctic theme this last week :)

What I'm excited about:
We still have many months to go but our vacation is booked and this came in the mail last week!!!!
I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 If you have any Disney World posts or tips I'd love to hear them!
What I'm dreading:
What I've been dreading is finally here (winter!) and I guess I'm just dreading that I still have at least two more months of it to go! haha
What I'm working on:
Being more like Tim ;) 

But chances are, I am going to continue to use my blog as an outlet to vent and whine about the cold so if that bugs you, you should probably not check my blog until May ;)
So far, I have stuck with my winter goal of walking or running outside at least twice a week. I check the weather and go on the "warmer" days and I think it has been very good for my mental well being ;) It was 33 degrees on Sunday afternoon so I dragged everyone along with me and surprisingly, no one complained about the cold. It feels good to be outside!
What I'm watching/reading:
I'm a little out of control this month with my TV shows, but I'm loving all of them!

We signed up for a free month of Hulu to finish the last season of Parks and Rec but then we got sucked in...
And more seasons of my ultimate guilty pleasure that I didn't know about!!!
I read two YA novels this month - Dumplin by Julie Murphy and The Disputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks.
"There's something about swimsuits that make you think you've got to earn the right to wear them. Really, the criteria is simple. Do you have a body? Put a swimsuit on it."

"It is better to be alone, she figures, than to be with someone who can't see who you are. It is better to lead than to follow. It is better to speak up than to stay silent. It is better to open doors than to shut them on people. She will not be simple and sweet. She will not be what people tell her she should be. That Bunny Rabbit is dead." I LOVED THIS BOOK!!!
What I've been listening to:
Because Sister Wives wasn't enough... haha
What I'm wearing: 
I hate this one. I always wear sweats when I blog and I never remember to take "outfit" selfies.
What I'm doing this weekend:
Celebrating our baby turning two!!!
What I'm looking forward to next month:
Valentine's day and Spencer's birthday!
Bonus Question: What is your favorite Valentine's Day treat?
Chocolate covered cinnamon bears (but they don't sell them anywhere in the Quad Cities! Whaaaaa!!!)
What's up with you?!
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  1. You and your family will have so much at Disney World!! I am loving Making a Murderer too! #cantstopwatching

    -Kendra at A little of this and a little of that

  2. Making a murder...everyone is talking about it!! I need to watch an episode or something. Have fun celebrating that 2 year old!
