
Life lately

The last few weeks have been pretty chill. Jack is on quite a dinosaur kick lately. He plays with his dinosaurs every single day and knows more dinosaur names than I do. Yesterday, he told me about Archelons - prehistoric turtles. He told me that they were "twice as big as leatherback turtles, about the size of of a small car." I almost died laughing and in amazement that he knows all of these crazy facts! But of all people, Jack WOULD figure out the name of dinosaur turtles :) He said he learned about them from Dino Dan, a TV show on Amazon Prime.
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Speaking of Dino Dan, he found out that there is a Dino Dan website with all sorts of games and activities. Jack and David love it. Me, not so much because I am the one who has to play the games while they watch. haha. Maybe it's time to buy a mouse so Jack can learn to play by himself.
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David is still super hero obsessed :) Any time he goes to a friend's house, he finds their super hero costumes and HAS to try them on :)
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David finally got a haircut! It was out of control.
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Tantrums are so frustrating but sometimes kind of cute :)
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More bike trail before it gets too cold!
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Friday night Go Fish :)
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Pregnancy brain - thought this was hairspray and sprayed it in my hair the other day! Whaaaaaaaaah!!!!
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How I feel every day now!!!
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