
On strike

Jack turned on baby food and put himself on a strict diet of watermelon, wheat bread and breast milk, which is kind of complicated for a baby with still no teeth, who can only get finger food into his mouth 25 percent of the time, and who gets bored of eating after just three bites. We have been the most successful this week giving him watermelon straight out of of the bowl in the bathtub. Pretty demanding if you ask me.

I also think he turned on his toys because this is what he spends the majority of his time doing :

And fyi, if you ever get the option of choosing fleas, bedbugs, cockroaches, or fruit flies to multiply in your apartment*, I highly recommend the fruit flies, because they are just annoying and gross but they are the least disgusting and the least stressful PLUS you can have fruit fly trap making competitions. So far, we are both losing (zero fruit flies to zero) which was totally not the point of the game.

*We are clean people. In fact, I've never had such an immaculate living space in my entire life, but bugs just seem to love us here.

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute! I'm sorry the bugs love to torture you. I guess that means you need to come back to AZ to live permanently. I miss you!
