What we're eating this week:
Spencer has been dairy free for quite a while now (he will splurge every once in a while and take dairy pills) but anyway, it is pretty depressing for him for obvious reasons and depressing for me because everything that tastes good has dairy in it and I don't know what to make for dinner anymore. If you have any great dairy free meals please share :)Last week we tried this grilled sesame chicken and noodle bowl and this lemon tarragon pasta salad and really liked both of them! These easy flour-less peanut butter cookies have been a favorite of ours for a while and they have made their way back into our regular dessert rotation :)
What I'm excited about:
This January has not been too depressing or too long to me, and I feel like that is definitely something to be excited about! I stink at doing January, February and March, but maybe I'm learning to get better at winter??? Or I'm just trying to soak in these last few months of being a mom of just two :)
What I'm dreading:
Nothing at the moment :)
What I'm reminiscing about:
Our December Disneyland vacation with Spencer's family :)
What we've been up to:
We drove to Nauvoo to visit the temple. While Spencer was in the temple, we went to the Blacksmith and went on an Oxen ride and horse ride. While I was in the temple, they played toys at the welcome center and broke ice on the banks of the Mississippi River. It was a balmy 53 degrees!!!
David was a little nervous and held my hand on both the oxen and horse carriage ride :) I enjoyed every minute of it :)
Some other pics from this week:
What I'm loving:
Jack and David quotes this week:
David, when I told him to stop biting his nails, "I'm not biting them just chewing them!"
Jack, after watching this cute music video, "Mom, I love it so much it almost gave me happy tears!"
And I have loved watching superhero-obsessed David show me his "side kick" over and over again. He thinks a superhero "side kick" is a literal side kick so he kicks and kicks and kicks all the time :) He also had a nightmare earlier this month about going on an up-side-down roller coaster. I think Disneyland scarred him a bit :)
I'm also loving these memes :)
What I'm working on:
Spencer cleaned and reorganized our basement while Jack, David, and I were still in Utah. When I got home we reorganized the bedrooms closets too. I've got a list of things I want to get done around the house before baby comes :)
I tried making a goal to do a load of laundry a day so that I didn't get behind on laundry. I stuck to my goal for about a week, but I think I missed the whole point because I never folded or put the clothes away after I did the load of laundry like I was planning on doing. So instead of having a pile of dirty clothes in our bedroom, I had a pile of clean cloths in the basement, which wasn't much better ;) New Years resolution fail!
What I'm watching/reading:
This is Us is my folding laundry show and Spencer and I just finished the second season of 24 last night. We lost a lot of sleep this month because we couldn't stop watching it!!!I LOVE the books that I read these last two months.
For book club in December we read Remarkable Creatures by Tracy Chevalier. It is a historical novel about two female 19th century fossil hunters who uncover an "unusual fossilized skeleton" (a dinosaur!) in the cliffs near their home in England. I seriously loved this book and loved telling Jack that I was reading a dinosaur book :)
For book club in December, we were supposed to read the play, "Fences." But since Denzel Washington was acting it out on the big screen, I cheated and just went to the movie with some girlfriends instead and really liked it :)
I read two "polygamy books". I have no idea why I am so disturbingly fascinated with this topic but it is amazing to me how resilient the human spirit is and that it is possible to heal from such horrible abuse and circumstances. After five years of reading and learning and talking about this topic, I finally got Spencer to read some of these books too :) He actually read THREE polygamy books this month. (Spencer did say he felt a little self conscious reading a book titled "Princess" when he went to get his oil changed. haha!) My favorite one:
Princess is a true story of a princess living in Saudi Arabia. It's shocking, sad, horrific, eye opening and riveting. It is hard to believe that women are treated so poorly in Saudi Arabia and how much abuse they suffer. I thought I was reading a book about the Middle Ages, not present day! I know these books are not for everyone as there is a lot of abuse, but I highly recommend it if it is something you can handle. Princess Sultana's fiery, brave, rebellious, resilient spirit is inspiring.
Lost Boy is a story about a boy who was kicked out of Warren Jeff's FLDS polygamist community.
And to balance out the heavy books I read, I also read Chip and Joanna's new book, The Magnolia Story. I laughed, I cried, I loved it :)
What I've been listening to:
I loved listening to this podcast episode, "When Life is Less Than Ideal."
What I'm wearing:
I have been tempted for a while now to splurge and buy LipSense lipstick, but it was just so dang expensive so I did a little research and found a much cheaper alternative that I really like! Rimmel Provocalips is only $6.50 a tube, and while I don't have LipSense to compare, the Rimmel stays on all day and is smudge, kiss, and water proof which is exactly what LipSense claims to do too!
What I'm doing this weekend:
What I'm looking forward to next month:
David's birthday party, valentines day, and Spencer's birthday :)
Bonus Question:

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