
A week in the life

One of my favorite bloggers did "a week in the life" post a few months ago and I've been wanting to do one ever since! Our days vary but our weeks seem a little more consistent. I've been putting off this post for a while because every week has seemed a little "off routine" for the last month or so but I'm realizing that that's just life :) I know our weeks will look a lot different in the summer when Jack is home every day and even more different when he goes to school all day next year, so I wanted to document a random week with Jack in Kindergarten, David in preschool and Kate taking two naps a day. Here's the week of April 2, 2018:

Spencer left for work at the usual horrible time of 6:20. Bless his heart!
8:00 - we took Jack to school then we went to the gym
9:30 - we got home, I put Kate down for a nap, played Skip Bo with David then he went over to our next door neighbor's house to play. 
11:30 - I picked Jack up from school and dropped the boys off at Jack's friend's house (after grabbing our free Little Caesars lunch specials!) David was THRILLED to be invited too since he had never been invited to their house before :)
2:00 - picked up the boys and put Kate down for her second nap
4:00 - the boys had swim lessons. (I usually swim with Kate during their lesson, but we were on a tight schedule so I put her in the child watch and enjoyed watching their lessons outside and alone! :) (Usually their lessons are inside but there was poop in that pool!)
C70FA67D C57F 41A3 B91C 0D27F76C3ED6
6:00 - Jack and David had their first t-ball game!
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Cutest little cheerleader :)
187CF425 4E69 46C6 966C AEDB96C4997E
The sunset was amazing on our way home!
0626AB65 4724 4C6F B2C4 83339EF1EAE1
The boys scorpion hunted before bed then we called it a night!
8:30-11:30 - both boys went to school. On the days where both boys have school and Kate takes a nap, I try to do something that I enjoy instead of clean the house or get things done since I only have about 4 hours of alone time a week. On this day, I blogged :)
11:45 - picked David up from school
2:00 - I picked Jack up from a friend's house then put Kate down for a nap. (Every Tuesday he has a play group with three other friends in his class after school and we rotate who hosts :)
4:30 - Kate woke up from her nap and we headed to the gym.
6:00 - the boys played outside while we got dinner ready. I leave kinetic sand out on the back patio and it shocks me how much time they spend playing with it!
867F4768 6D8B 47C3 BD56 4489DE02937C
We had a picnic dinner in the backyard this night!
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I woke up early to workout at home which failed because Kate decided to wake up early too!
5C312A11 35BA 4A6D B2D1 C182D987F307
After we dropped Jack off at school, we stopped at the skate park before Kate's nap :)
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EC68776F 8A8A 43E1 B294 34B76E75F834
Our next door neighbor came over to play until lunch, and since Jack had ANOTHER play date, we went and killed time at Target before picking him up at 2:30. (Jack usually just has his Tuesday play group so he was THRILLED to go to three different friend's houses 3 days in a row!)
When he got home, Jack and David watched TV for Kate's entire nap! (sadly, this is not a rare occasion! haha)
The boys had another t-ball game at 6, and I had mutual (my church's youth group) at 7.
44B28368 4D41 4EB7 8912 F5EEFB5DCBA5
Both boys had school but David had a field trip until 2! After I picked Jack up at 11:30, we stopped at Walmart Pickup to get groceries (my life savor!) went home for lunch, ran an errand, and stopped at the library before picking up David.
I worked my very important and intense swim lesson job from 4:30-5:00 ;) Working for 30 minutes a week may only earn me about 7 bucks a week, but we also get a free membership to my favorite gym ever plus free swim lessons so I think it's totally worth the effort every week! I swam laps for 30 minutes after my lesson then picked up my kids from the Kids Academy at 5:30. We got home and did the whole dinner and night time routine :) I didn't take a single picture of this day!
I woke up early to exercise at home and this time Kate cooperated and slept until her usual time (around 7ish)
Jack had school from 8:30-11:30 then we went straight to a birthday party after picking him up from school. It was for a boy in his class but families were invited so we all went! Kate sat in her car munching on crazy bread for an entire hour, I was shocked!
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148BAC4B B0D7 4E20 A6AC 94F56557BC61
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Kate discovered Diet Pepsi!!!
 F5FD2D1F F0B2 4A90 92BC D4AFF66AAF84
 We got home around 2:30 and Kate went down for a nap. Kate's room is right next to the family room and she wakes up to EVERYTHING so during her naps, the boys have to watch TV, play in my room which is far away from her room, or play outside. A lot of days, they end up watching A LOT of TV but today they surprised me and didn't ask for TV at all. They read their new library books, made a fort, played on the tramp, and played outside with the hose. I love that they are best buddies and play together so well :)
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 When Spencer got home, we practiced t-ball and went for a walk after dinner :) We put the kids to bed early and watched Meet the Parents!
7A3CAFDB A8D1 4D27 A0BB 541370D885EB
Before Kate's nap we went to the Gilbert farmer's market for the first time! We wanted to check it out before it got too hot. Jack and David were not impressed and got bored! David asked, "Why are we here?!" haha I think they at least had a tiny bit of fun getting in the recycling truck and playing at the splash pad :)
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658C9D2C EC2E 4204 94A8 BBCBA126095D
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After Kate's nap we went to Mesquite Groves pool and then picked up Little Caesars and Thai Chili on the way home :)
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 C860F967 D856 48B8 9E67 1B5F51103AEF
I ran to Sprouts and Trader Joes while Spencer put the kids to bed!
We hung out at home until church at noon.
After church, we had dinner then Jack and David cooled off by playing with the hose on the tramp. Those Iowa boys had never experienced the hose/tramp combo before and they had a blast! :)
CF3B5720 FDEC 4084 BEF2 B3B5FD7ADD17
We made chocolate chip cookies and ended our evening with a walk. The little trail we take usually looks exactly the same year round but it had a beautiful tree that had blossomed to add a little variety to the desert!

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