
St. George

We went to St. George over Memorial Day weekend with Spencer's family and had such a good time! We stayed at a HUGE airbnb and the kids would have been totally fine never leaving the house the entire weekend. It had a girls dorm, boys dorm, theatre room, basketball court and hot tub! They played so hard!

On Saturday morning we went to Thunder Junction park which was the coolest dinosaur themed park.

Later that afternoon, we headed to Snow Canyon State Park to go on a few little hikes.

Jack got his love for rocks from his Grandpa Hall :)

The kids also found a small pond and caught a few frogs!

Kate insisted on hiking by herself the entire time! She did great but was SO SLOW, especially because she stopped every three steps to clean up her Barbie (that she took from the airbnb) with a wipe! haha

That night, half of us went to Tuacahn theatre to see The Little Mermaid and the other half stayed home to help with the babies and boys who had no interest. My boys had no interest in seeing it and since Spencer and I had already seen in in 2011, we decided to stay home and help with the babies. Kate and Ashley played hard together that night - their hair looks exactly the same and it's hilarious!

On Saturday, we went to Sand Hollow State park to play at the beach and ride ATVs! We went on a mellow ATV ride with Kate and she yelled "BUMPY!" about 1,000 times :)

The next day, we explored Pioneer Park and Botanical Gardens then finished off the day in the hot tub :)
These boys found 54 lizards!

Alicia read them bedtime stories every night :)
On Friday, we pulled up to a stop light n St. George and looked over to see my friend, Jenny! What are the chances?! We took it as a sign that we needed to get together! We didn't end up meeting in St. George, but made a pit stop in Vegas on our way home to hang out. We went to Springs Preserve and had a great time! Everyone needs a Jenny Jenson in their life - I don't know what I'd do without her and I'm so grateful for Voxer and Marco Polo that make our friendship possible ;) We love the Jenson family!
I am so grateful that the Hall family plans a little get together every year - we all have such a great time! Can't wait until next year!

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