
11: Part 2

Back in April, Kara from Not A Couple's Blog tagged me in one of those "11 Things About Me" games and I was super excited because she is awesome and one of my favorite bloggers ever and I wish that we were friends in real life and she wants to know 11 things about me! 
(By the way, you really need to read her love story. It's great.)

I finally got around to this post on Monday and it just so happens that I am pretty good at rambling on and on and on about stupid, unimportant things about myself. To keep this post from being never ending, and because this is my blog and I can do what I want, I am breaking up this post into three parts so that I can ramble on about myself for even longer!

4. I am movie challenged. Movies are either too dumb for me or I'm too dumb for them. (too cheesy or too confusing.) Growing up, none of my friends ever wanted to sit next to me while watching movies because I ruined it for them by either making fun of it or asking too many questions. I hate almost every chick flick made after the year 2000. British accents are hard. I lose interest in almost every movie I watch at home and unfortunately, our budget and Jack make it difficult to actually go to the movies. I would much rather get hooked to a TV series. 

5. The most defining and dramatic moment of my life happened the week of my high school graduation. Not because I graduated, but because of Lost's season three finale!!! The scene with Jack and Kate at the airport!!!!?!! Epic.

6. I have fifty billion more food cravings now than I ever did when I was pregnant. I will give up dinner for dessert any day. I also really really really like to talk about food, and eat it, which leads to fact number 7...

7. Weight watchers is the only diet I have been on where I have been successful in losing a significant amount of weight. (That and the eatwhatevertheheckifeellikewhilenursingandrunning diet). I love weight watchers and could talk on and on and on about how awesome and realistic and doable it is. I will spare you, but if you are considering joining, ask me about it so I have an excuse to talk on and on and on about how awesome and realistic and doable it is.


  1. Oh. My. Gosh. Just you talking about that season 3 finale gave me goosebumps. "We have to go baaaaack!!" that was the craziest, wtf moment of my tv watching life.

    Also, I love you.

  2. Or making fun of your friend watching the movie! Remember when we were 5 and I cried at the end of "Little Princess?" I was so embarrassed... and I still cry every time I watch the ending of that movie.
