
11: Part 3

Back in April, Kara from Not A Couple's Blog tagged me in one of those "11 Things About Me" games and I was super excited because she is awesome and one of my favorite bloggers ever and I wish that we were friends in real life and she wants to know 11 things about me! 
(By the way, you really need to read her love story. It's great.)

I finally got around to this post last week and it just so happens that I am pretty good at rambling on and on and on about stupid, unimportant things about myself. To keep this post from being never ending, and because this is my blog and I can do what I want, I am breaking up this post into three parts so that I can ramble on about myself for even longer!

8. I love Spencer .000000000001% less than I should because he quit reading the Harry Potter books in the middle of The Goblet of Fire. The Goblet of Fire!!! And I love him even .000000000001% less than that because he told me that he will never ever ever be seen with me rollerblading, which is basically my most favorite thing ever! I even rollerbladed to school for a month my senior year of high school when I lost my car keys, and let me tell you what, it was cool! (They are NOT fruit boots, Spencer Hall!!!) Good thing he made up for his lack of passion for Harry Potter and rollerblading by getting addicted to Lost this month and loving it as much as I do, if that is even possible. (But then again, he likes Sawyer better than Jack...)

9. I wish I would have taken photography and choir in high school. I wish I didn't quit taking piano lessons. (You were right, mom.) I wish I would have majored in Business and applied for the USU's Hunstman Scholar program in college. (Again, you were right, mom.) I wish that we did not buy those night stands off of craiglist that most likely had bed bugs hiding in them.

10. I am directionally disabled. In high school, I drove home (I thought) from a football game at Mesquite High School and it wasn't until I hit Pecos and Arizona Ave that I realized I was going the wrong way. Last week, it took me an hour to find the 7-minutes-away Sams Club that we have been frequenting for the past 6 weeks. I never pay attention to where I am going unless I am the driver and even then, it takes me at least a solid five trips to remember how to get to my destination, and figuring out how to get back takes another three to five trips on top of that. Alabama has been particularly tricky because everything looks the same (green and hilly), there are no distinct landmarks, the signage is bad, and there are a million intersecting freeways and highways.

11. I love traveling and seeing new places.  I started saving my money in elementary school so that I could study abroad in college. I was able to study abroad in England and Italy between my freshman and sophomore year of college. I was also able to teach English in China the year after that. I feel like I learned more about myself and my country in those two experiences than in all of my years of education combined. This year when I told people that I was moving to Alabama, I got interesting reactions like, "that stinks" or "I'm sorry", but really, I have been thrilled to live in and experience living in the south.
(And sleeping with bed bugs has proven to be pretty thrilling for my new obsessive compulsive/anxiety ridden self!) And really, you'd think after sleeping bed bug free in crusty sleeper buses and in the sketchiest hostels known to man in China, I would be immune to bed bugs! I guess it doesn't work that way and darnitthispostisstartingtosoundlikeanotherbedbugrantingandravingpostfromacrazylady!!!

***I tag whoever feels like writing 11 things about themself. I promise I'll read it!


  1. Hey Spencer has been seen rollerblading with you and I was there! He is actually quite an exceptional rollerblader if I do say so myself.

    1. You're right!!! But he was actually riding a bike next to us.
