
David is 4!

David turned FOUR today!
Hall fam 0019

David's Four-Year-Old Interview
  1. What is your favorite color? green and blue
  2. What is your favorite toy? transformer toys
  3. What is your favorite thing to eat? chicken nuggets
  4. What is your favorite TV show? Dino Dan
  5. What is your favorite outfit to wear?  exercise shorts
  6. Where do we live? Arizona
  7. What are your favorite animals? lions and tigers
  8. Where does Dad work? at a hospital
  9. Where does Mom work? Lifetime Fitness
  10. What is your favorite book? Captain Underpants
  11. What is your favorite thing to do outside? playing tag
  12. Who is your best friend? Preston and Tanner
  13. What do you want to be when you grow up? a rock star 
  14. What's your favorite game to play? hide and go seek
  15. What do you like to take to bed with you? Sparkles (his pink turtle :)
  16. What's your favorite thing to do with Mom? hug and kiss
  17. What's your favorite thing to do with Dad? listen to him a lot
  18. What's your favorite thing to do with Jack? play with him on the ipad
  19. What's your favorite thing to do with Kate? play a lot with her
  20. What's your favorite treat? cupcakes and ice cream
  21. What is your favorite movie? Lion Guard
  22. If you could go anywhere, where would you want to go? swimming
  23. What makes you happy? mom
  24. What makes you sad? when nobody will play with me
  25. What makes you scared? getting lost
  26. What is your favorite sport? soccer
  27. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? chocolate
Things I want to remember about David at four:
    • When people ask how old David is, he says, "shree-and-shree quarters," and nobody can understand him! (I think mostly because they don't expect kids to count their age by the quarter!) haha It will be nice that he will be a solid "four" now ;)
    • We can't believe that he is not four already!!! (We couldn't believe he wasn't already two when he turned two, and three when he turned three either!) David has always seemed bigger than he really is and gets along well with the big kids! He is in a preschool with three, four, and five-year-olds and he gets along best with all the boys starting kindergarten next year. He is obsessed with Jack's friends and knows all of Jack's friend's names from school, church, and basketball. He will call out boys by name from Jack's basketball and they stare at David like, "Who the heck are you?!"
    • After a long "shree-and-shree quarter" years, he FINALLY started sleeping through the night in his own bed! Though he still often wakes up screaming with sore legs and insists that Spencer massage his legs until he falls asleep.
    • He is a bottomless pit and never stops eating! He is asking for and wanting food CONSTANTLY.
    • He loves preschool, swimming lessons, riding his bike and scooter, standing on his hands, dance parties, singing along to The Greatest Showman, jumping on the tramp, and playing outside. He prefers playing outside and role playing over playing with toys. 
    • He is such a stereotypical boy but has a soft spot for "Sparkles" his pink turtle and playing "family" with his neighbor friend, Saige.
    • After he brushes his teeth, he smiles and asks, "Shiny clean?!??"
    • He will often confidently tell us some fact or statement followed by, "Right, mom?!...Right, Jack?!....Right, dad?!" If he loves a suggestion, he enthusiastically says, "THAT'S A GREAT IDEA!!!"
    • He has lost his right toenail twice this year from two different injuries! (And just recently mangled his toenail-less toe on the treadmill!)
    • He doesn't quite understand Jack's passion for rocks and fossils, but he listens to Jack go on about rocks more than anyone else in the family ;) Jack and David have completely different personalities but they get along so great, are the bestest friends, and brag about each other often ;) 
    • When he's frustrated he shouts, "OH, COME ON!!!" or if he's REALLY mad he growls/screams in the most frightening way! On the flip side, he will randomly say, "Hey mom! I love you," in the sweetest way possible.
    • He loves to make Kate laugh. He makes Kate cry more than half of his attempts to make her laugh though because he still loves her a little too hard ;)
    • He has such a passionate, enthusiastic, stubborn, demanding, dynamic, energetic, loving and big personality. It makes for high highs and low lows and a whole lot of laughs. (Basically, I don't think this threenager is going away just because he's four now!) We love him! 
    Three-year-old birthday post
    Fullsizeoutput d54c
    Two-year-old birthday post here ....  and here
    IMG 9471
    One-year-old birthday post
    IMG 0509
    David's birth
    David zpsc31ff9c2

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