
Kate is TWO!

Happy birthday to our baby girl!!! She is pure joy and we love her so much! Things I want to remember about Kate at two:
  • Favorite words and phrases she says: 
    • "otay," 
    • "I have noya deeaaa," (I have no idea)
    • "Oh, ya baby!" 
    • With a head tilt and a finger shake, "no! no! day de!" (no, no, David!)
    • "nappie" (nap) 
    • with clasping her hands together and tilting her head, "peeeeeeze?!" (please?)
    • "hoppy" (I want to jump on the trampoline)
    • "blue" (somehow means pink to her! haha)
  • She has the craziest bedhead in the morning!
  • She has a natural love for baby dolls - she will check the baby's diaper, put it down for a "nappie" - I guess this is normal little girl behavior but it blows our mind after having two boys that never did that! haha
  • She is the most aggressive snuggler at night! She was a good sleeper until about 18 months - we now lay by her when she goes down for bed and she comes into our bed in the middle of the night and MUST TOUCH US and is very bossy about how we snuggle!
  • She loves dancing and can do the "floss," the "hype" and has a signature yoga pose (three legged dog) 
  • She is always trying to keep up with Jack and David at the park, or on the trampoline, at the pool, or playing super heroes 
  • She LOVES playing with her friends and is always asking about them
  • She LOVES pizza just like Jack and David.
  • She is my most clingy baby and prefers to hang by me when we are out doing something
  • She makes us laugh every day and sometimes I still can't believe she is a GIRL! 
My mom wrote a letter to all of my kids on their first birthday. I hope one day they will love these letters as much as I do. Here is Kate's ♥️

To Kate on Your First Birthday
April 20, 2018
All is Well

Dear Kate,

Happy First Birthday to my only granddaughter! If there is one thing I have learned from the births
of my grandbabies, it is that God truly is in the details of our lives. Once again He orchestrated your
birth as he had the others, and though the logistics and timing were more complicated, in the end, all
was well.

Two weeks prior to your birth in Davenport, Iowa, your dad was offered a job in Arizona. And
two weeks after your birth we packed up your family van to drive across the country to stay at my
home in Utah while your dad moved everything to Arizona. The timing couldn’t have been more
crazy! Although your parents were grateful for the job offer, and your dad had been searching for
a new job for some time, the timing really made things complicated! Suddenly they were stressed
about finding a home, packing your townhouse in Iowa, saying good-bye to dear friends, and the
logistics of traveling cross country with a brand new infant.

We were counting on your mom being induced on your due date, but just a few days prior the doctor
said she wasn’t ready. Your mom was discouraged, but prayerful. I flew to Iowa on April 18 and the
next day, my birthday, your mom had another appointment and miraculously the doctor told her he
would induce her the next day. Your birthday was perfect, the day after my birthday and the day
before your Grandma Debbie’s birthday on the 21st. I don’t believe your birth on April 20 was

The day of your entrance into the world I stayed home with Jack and David, packing and
entertaining, while your parents went to the hospital. Hours later, your dad called to tell me to
hurry to the hospital because you were almost here. I rushed to take Jack and David to their friend’s
home then I drove full speed to the hospital all the while praying for your safe arrival. I walked
into the hospital room just in time.

I wish I could describe to you the thrill of finding out that you were a girl. I grew up hearing
stories about my own birth after two boys, Uncle Scott, and Uncle Mike, and I always felt so
special and adored when I would hear the story, but it is impossible to put into words the excitement
of hearing “It’s a girl!” What a beautiful moment when your mom announced that your name was
Kate Elizabeth! Elizabeth after your Aunt Elizabeth.

Yes, you are our first girl and as if that isn’t thrilling enough, you are a girl from a long line of
strong, intelligent, faithful, compassionate, God-loving women. The Spirit in that hospital room
was palpable as surely heavenly angels, that included these women, attended your birth.

You were adored by all and once home, we took turns cuddling you and packing boxes. Although
your townhome was in total disarray, there was an abundance of peace that you brought with you
straight from heaven. After a week, I returned to Utah to check on Papa, Elizabeth and Isaac and
to attend Uncle James and Aunt Maddie’s BYU graduations then back to Iowa to help drive tiny
you and your sweet brothers and mom back to Utah. We left your dad with the daunting
responsibility of loading all of your belongings in a moving van headed for Arizona.  

We drove from Iowa to Utah essentially following the path your pioneer ancestors followed on
their heroic trek west. I thought about the arduous task that was ahead for us and couldn’t help
but think about our ancestors who had packed up their newborns and small children and grandmas
and meager belongings and walked those same miles, some without a father.  I reflected in rare
quiet moments when all were asleep in the car on the words within a familiar hymn, “Fresh
courage take. Our God will never us forsake.” I knew that was true and all would be well.

Elder M. Russell Ballard, my Grandpa Smith’s cousin, once said, “No matter how difficult the
trial we can take comfort in knowing that others before us have borne life’s most grievous trials
and tragedies by looking to heaven.”

And so Kate, on your first birthday, I would remind you that throughout your life all will be well
as you put your faith and trust in God. You are another miracle testifying to me of this. I love you
with all of my heart!



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