
My birthday should have been Groundhog Day

My birthday was on Saturday and it was so fun and so perfect. It's too bad that the day wasn't Bill Murray's Groundhog Day instead of my birthday so that I could relive it over and over and over again. Here is what I loved about it:
  • Pingpong and racquetball at the YMCA
  • Our bike ride from our townhouse to the Mississippi River. It was 16 miles round trip and SO MUCH FUN! I love the bike trails in the Quad Cities and it was gorgeous the entire ride. 
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  • Panera Bread for lunch and boys who took naps at the same time so we could all take naps!
  • The world's best sugar cookies from Olde Towne Bakery in Moline, IL. I requested these cookies instead of a birthday cake because they are just that amazingly, melt-in-your-mouth delicious!!! 
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  • These cute boys. (My friend made me cupcakes so Jack still got to blow out birthday candles and lick the frosting off of every. single. cupcake :)
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  • Technology that makes me feel pretty special on my birthday. I got the nicest calls, texts, fb messages, and gifts. 
  • Dinner straight from the farm at the Machine Shed. Spencer got Thanksgiving dinner and I got a yummy pork dinner. They gave me a free apple dumpling for my birthday. I had never had one before and I think it's now my favorite apple dessert.
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Back in April, I sarcastically took a picture hugging this corn statue because I wasn't so excited to be moving to Davenport and I thought that it was pretty ridiculously amazing that we found a corn statue within 24 hours of being in Iowa. I am pleased to report that I NOW FREAKING LOVE THIS PLACE!!! I'm so grateful. This time I hugged the corn statue and I meant it!
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  • The fact that my mom completely surprised me with this amazing necklace that I loooooove recommended by one of my favorite bloggers. (Reasons why it is awesome that my mom stalks the same blogs that I do: One, because she will gift me things that they recommend and two, because then we can talk for hours about people that don't have a clue who we are ;)  I told Spencer that I will one day be friends with Shay because I am getting pretty good at cyber stalking people on their blogs and then slowly transitioning into real-life stalking them and becoming their friends. He told me that I was CREEPY!!!) 
  • Ending the night with a 90s chick flick instead of football :)
25 is gonna be good!!!!!
P.S. My photo storage on blogger and photobucket is full... Does anyone know how I can keep posting pictures??? I'm pretty clueless when it comes to all the fancy blogging technology stuff :/

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