
Things I'm loving

  • The fact that my dad emailed this to me yesterday. He has sent me many serious Manti Te'o and gun control articles this month and I was totally expecting it to be a serious interview. So awesome.
  • Another awesome thing is this blog post called Drops of Awesome.
  • Jack, who won't get out of his crib unless I grab his jungle animals off of the bookshelf and then help him get them all into his arms at the same time. If the gorilla, giraffe, elephant, and teddy bear are not all in his arms at the same time, then a mini fit commences but honestly, helping him get his animals all under his short little wingspan is a lot easier than forcing breakfast through his glued-tight lips, so this has become a little breakfast procrastinating routine of ours.
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  1. Oh my word, Annie he is adorable! IT is always fun when they do things that are so cute, you don't mind putting up with all their silly things they do, like not eat :)

  2. Those pictures are so good and funny. I think it's adorable he loves his stuffed animals so much!
