
Breakfast food and Autumn

I haven't blogged for a while, I've barely creeped on facebook, and I am so behind in my blog stalking, I don't even know if it is possible to catch up. My family came to visit for their fall break so for the past week and a half, I have been really busy having a lot of fun with them in Birmingham, Atlanta, Montgomery, and the beach! But more on that later!


There are two things that I feel I missed out on growing up.

One, is breakfast food. How come nobody told me that breakfast is the best meal of the day?! My first 17 years of breakfasts consisted of microwave burritos, microwave chicken pot pie, ramen noodles, and an occasional bagel and cream cheese or french toast (with butter and powdered sugar because that's only way to go). What a waste!*

Two, is autumn. I've missed way too many autumns in my life because Arizona is just way too good at staying summer. We found this park a couple of miles from our apartment yesterday and I love it!

*My mom wanted me to clarify that my breakfast choices growing up were in fact, my choice. Everyone else in my family ate regular breakfast foods. 


  1. Could you please clarify that eating frozen burritos and chicken pot pies for breakfast was by choice? You didn't see me eating them! As for the fall, there wasn't a whole lot I could do about that either besides a trip to Sodona or Utah here and there to teach you about autumn. :)

  2. Coming from a family who ate waffles every Saturday for breakfast and whose brothers can eat a Costco size two pack of Cinnamon Toast Crunch in one sitting, I always thought it was weird that you didn't eat breakfast food growing up. I guess the change was so subtle that I didn't realize the miraculous difference in your food choice. I'm glad you now enjoy the best meal of the day - no matter what meal you eat it for!
