
Things I'm loving

  • Tamn from seriouslysoblessed. I am especially missing her right now during this election because she had such persuasive opinions about the candidates in 2008
  • Jack, who will cuddle with me for 10.5 seconds now instead of 1.7 seconds because he has a cold. Not loving that he's sick though :(
  • Shrimp and grits (that is a lie). I had been told by numerous people that the shrimp and grits at a certain restaurant were the best ever, so we bought a groupon there and I got brave and tried it out. Maybe it is an acquired taste? Yuck.


  1. Oh my gosh, how I miss Seriously,So Blessed! That was the best blog EVER!

  2. Ha ha! How did I forget about Tamn? I lurv her blog!

    Are you getting any effects from the super storm?
