
True Aggies (finally!)

Big news over here people! My blog url and this wedding picture are officially legit!!!

Here is USU's True Aggie Tradition:

"One can become a "True Aggie" by receiving a kiss on the "A" under a full moon at midnight by somebody who already is a "True Aggie," or on Homecoming or A-Day by somebody who is not. The Student Alumni Association is proud to be the keepers of the True Aggie Tradition."

Here is my True Aggie Story:

Four years ago, my insecure and intimidated freshman Ambassador self went to the Homecoming True Aggie Night and kissed a random boy (who turned out to be a Ute!!!). When giving campus tours, I did not want to tell about the True Aggie tradition and then have to shamefully admit that I wasn't even a True Aggie yet. I got asked if I was a True Aggie every tour without fail, and it was totally worth that one scary and awkward moment on the "A" to be able to say that I was!

Here is Spencer's True Aggie Story:

He became a True Aggie last night. He missed every other True Aggie Night of our dating and married lives because he was traveling for track or because we were too tired or too cold or too boring to get ourselves over to that "A" at  midnight. Last night was the last True Aggie Night that we would be in Logan so I took Spencer up on that "A" under the full moon at midnight, smooched him, and made him a True Aggie! 

And here is Jack's True Aggie Story:

Last night at 11:30, we dragged him out of bed and into his carseat, then into his stroller, then out in the cold and onto the "A" where he gave me a sleepy, open mouthed kiss. He slept through the entire thing. Now, when he's a freshman at Utah State he can tells his friends, "Oh yeah? Well my MOM made me a True Aggie!!!" And who doesn't wish they could say that?!


  1. SO CUTE!!! That's a great idea, Curt & I still need to do that(:

  2. Hey, I figured this was the best way to respond:) its the east side of old main where that horse shoe shaped ramp goes up into the entrance of the building. It says 1989 And then the Utah state university on both sides of that entrance facing north and south! Hope that helps. And thanks I really do love it here:)
